News: Council of Ministers approve draft establishing Commission tasked to oversee peaceful disarmament, reintegration into society of armed groups

The Council of Ministers holding its 15th regular session today. Picture: PMO

Addis Abeba – The Council of Ministers in its 15th regular session today, discussed and approved three draft regulations and referred the draft proclamations to the House of People’s Representatives (HoPR) for deliberation and subsequent approval.

Among the three drafts the Council of Ministers approved is a draft proclamation providing the formation of a “National Reform Commission”, which will be responsible to oversee the disarmament and reintegration into society of armed groups operating in Ethiopia, according to the statement released by the Office of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

“Since it is necessary to find a peaceful solution to the conflicts that have been taking place in all areas of the country, it is necessary to establish a National Reform Commission to allow the forces that were armed in organized forces to disarm and join the society in a sustainable way, to lead a peaceful life, to participate in the process of development, peace and democracy in the country, a draft regulation was prepared and presented to the Council, the statement said, adding that “the Council, after extensive discussion on the regulation, added resources and decided to take effect from the date of its approval.”

The statement didn’t provide the details of the modalities with which the incoming Commission is expected to discharge the process, but said the draft regulation will take effect from the date of its approval by Parliament.

The second draft the Council discussed and approved was the Defense Forces Draft Bill aimed at strengthening the reform process taking place within the national defense forces to enable it fulfill its “mission of protecting the sovereignty of the country and the security of the citizens.”

“In order to further strengthen this reform and ensure its sustainability, a draft bill has been prepared and presented to the Council of Ministers which will replace the current decree and provide legal framework “that is compatible with the current and future duties of the Defense Forces.” After discussions on the draft decree, the Council passed the bill the Parliament for discussion and subsequent approval.

Lastly, the Council discussed a proposed draft regulation to determine the organization, powers and functions of Ethiopian Enterprise Development. According to the statement, the draft regulation discusses the organization, authority and function of Enterprises by providing problem-solving capacity building, financial, production equipment, technology, consulting services, production space and infrastructure, as well as input and market linkage support to increase the competitiveness of the manufacturing enterprises sector and accelerate economic structural transition. A draft regulation has been prepared and submitted to the Council of Ministers for decision. After extensive discussion on the draft regulation, the council decided that it should come into effect from the day it was published gazetted in the Negarit newspaper.

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