News: Debre Birhan, Kombolcha, Sekota cities in Amhara state impose curfew, movement restrictions and ban on public gatherings

Pictures: AMC

Addis Abeba – The Security Councils of the Debre Birhan, Kombolcha and Sekota cities in Amhara regional state imposed curfews on peoples and vehicles, movement restrictions, bans on unauthorized public gatherings, and carrying weapons unauthorized by security forces, among others.

It follows similar decisions by the cities of Woldiya and Dessie effective Sunday 28 August.

Accordingly, the security council of Debre Birhan city restricted IDPs entering or leaving their shelters after 6:00 PM, prohibited vehicle movements and opening hours of bars and restaurants as of 8:00 PM. It also prohibited price increased by commercial facilities. Night time factory workers should get a verified pass from legal security structures.

Carrying weapons outside of authorized security forces is also prohibited as are public gatherings without government authorizations. It also threatened actions against individuals spreading conspiracies and terrorizing the public. The public should also share information on suspicious movements; hotels and bed and breakfast facilities should provide information to security on tenants and stranger armed customers.


Similarly, The Security Council of Kombolcha City Administration warned those who “spread false information rumors in support of the enemy’s ideas and activities and spreading terror and confusion the public.” Anyone contravening the restrictions “will be prosecuted.” the use of social media “to spread false information to unsettle the public” is also punishable.

Moving around the city with weapons, whether in a group or individually, outside of the authorized security forces of the city is :absolutely prohibited”.

Taxis are allowed to provide services at the city level only until 11:00 PM, as are residents, restaurants, bars, groceries and cafes. Increasing prices with the intention of creating shortage on goods without a reasons will also be prosecuted. Hoteliers, bed and breakfast facilities, residential and apartment rentals are required to provide copies of ID cards of their tenants to security forces.

Residents are also required to report suspicious activities including by vehicles. Gatherings in entertainment facilities including khat houses and DSTV showrooms, coffee shops in the city is also prohibited as of today.

Furthermore, it is prohibited to collect resources, in kind or money, under the pretext of support for the defense forces and special forces outside of the preview the government’s integrated support system. It is also prohibited to move to the battle front lines, either individually or in groups, without the approval of the city administration. The city has asked residents to cooperate when the security institution ask for vehicles for security work.


The the Security Council of Sekota City Administration has restricted pedestrian movement from 7:00 PM to 6:00 AM local time.

Vehicles are also prohibited to move around from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM local time, except when assigned for security operations by security forces. Carry unauthorized weapons at any time and place is also prohibited.

Similar to Debre Birhan and Kombolcha, the city of Sekota has also banned ‘Spreading false rumors or false information that disturbs the community.” IDPs are not allowed to “move outside the shelter camps” provided to them. It is also “strictly prohibited to use any social media, individual or organization, or media to spread false information, especially spreading conspiracies or providing statements about the war.”

Closing government and private public service providing organizations such as banks, shops, and hotels is prohibited.

Landlords or bed and breakfast facilities must identify their tenants and ensure that they have legal identifications. They are required to provide information to the security forces in case of suspicious circumstance.The city also said communities are obliged to coordinate and cooperate with the security structure in the city. The security structure will take the necessary measures against any party that does not comply with the restrictions and prohibitions, the statement said. AS

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