News: Local official gunned down in Konso Zone

By Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12

Addis Abeba – Geremu Gelebo, the head of the revenue bureau of surrounding districts of Segen woreda the Konso zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region was gunned down while dining in a hotel with his friends last night, reports said. The head of the woreda’s peace and security bureau, Gadissa Karo told Addis Standard that four suspects have been arrested in connection with the murder of the local official. 

Three men, friends of the deceased who were with him the night of the killing, and a woman, the owner of the hotel were arrested according to Gadissa. “We’re collecting evidence,” he explained,  adding, “There were some federal police members in the immediate vicinity. We are investigating who they were. He also expressed his suspicion that they might have a connection with the killing.  He further explained that the scope is widening and that more people could be arrested. 

The woreda peace and security bureau detailed that the onslaught took place at 9:30 PM local time on Sunday March 27, 2022. The statement however didn’t identify the assiliants, other than stating that the attack was carried out by “hired bandits”. The peace and security bureau vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice.  

The Konso zone continues to be witness sporadic attacks that claim the lives of civiians.The two year long border clashes continue ravaging the zone until present. Gudata Kutano, a member of the peace committee in the neighboring Kolme cluster kebeles  told Addis Standard that the continued clashes resulted in the death and displacement of many. AS

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