Month: June 2017
- Africa
News: European Investment Bank confirms €247m for private enterprise financing in Ethiopia
The financing is the ‘largest ever’ by EIB and it will be managed by the state bank, Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE) Addis Abeba, June 29/2017 – “Small business across Ethiopia will benefit from a new 6.4 billion Birr (247 million Euro) lending and leasing program to be managed by the Development Bank of Ethiopia announced in Addis Abeba…
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Commentary: The Gulf crisis and the spiral in anti-Qatar’s hypocrisy
Zecharias Zelalem, Special to Addis Standard Addis Abeba, June 27/2017 – Although some experts say there was bound to be a head on collision within the Gulf States sometime in the not too distant future, the speed in which the recent diplomatic crisis unfolded has caught many off guard. It began on June 05 when Saudi Arabia, with the backing…
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#EthiopiaDrought: tenfold increase in children with malnutrition in Doolo zone, 67 died in June alone: MSF
Addis Abeba, June 26/2017 – An acute humanitarian emergency is unfolding in Doolo zone, in Ethiopia’s Somali region, as malnutrition reaches alarming levels, warns Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), whose teams are working in Doolo zone, the worst affected area. “The numbers of young children with severe acute malnutrition in Doolo zone are the highest ever seen in this area by…
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News: Ethiopia Prosecutors once again dismiss Dr. Merera’s second objection, court to give its verdict
Mahlet Fasil Addis Abeba, June 20/ 2017 – Federal prosecutors have today submitted their objections against the statement from Dr. Merera Gudina. Last month, Dr. Merera’ lawyers have submitted a letter requesting for the criminal charges against him to be separated from the terrorism charges against the two foreign based media organizations OMN and ESAT, in the same file. Today,…
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Launching “AS-Snap”
[embedyt][/embedyt] Dear our esteemed readers, Following the unfortunate suspension of the Addis Standard print version in October 2016, we have been working hard to maximize our digital presence. In line with that vision, we are now happy to announce the launching of “AS-Snap”, a short video segment focusing on major events and stories that make headlines. Please follow…
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Commentary: Ethiopia’s unstable political landscape in unstable region
Gurra Dimae, for Addis Standard Addis Abeba, June 12/2017 – The year 2016 placed Ethiopia on major newspapers across the world including Financial Times, and Washington Post as well as major broadcast media outlets such as the BBC and Aljazeera all due to the persistent, widespread and escalating anti-government protests that engulfed the country. The question many asked was…
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News: Human Rights Council Ethiopia releases report on rights abuses committed under current State of Emergency
The report included details of extrajudicial killings, torture, and imprisonment committed in three regional states and the capital Addis Abeba Liyat Fekade Addis Abeba, June 09/2017 – Human Rights Council (HRCO) Ethiopia, a non-profit, non-governmental organization, has released 49 pages of report detailing widespread human right abuses committed by the security under the current State of Emergency, first declared on…
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A new low: spread of cholera plagues famine-affected regions – IRC
Scores of children dying from preventable and curable waterborne disease Scarcity of clean drinking water and poor sanitation in areas of mass displacement and crowding led to a dramatic increase in cases of the waterborne disease Since early 2017, 130,000 + cases of acute watery diarrhea (AWD) and cholera, and 2,100 + related deaths across South Sudan, Somalia, Kenya,…
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Commentary: A greener future will not be decent by definition, but by design
Guy Ryder Addis Abeba, June 05/2017 – Climate change is the result of human activity. That activity is, for the most part, work or work-related. It is only logical then that the world of work has a key role to play in finding a solution to this pressing issue. The power of climate change to damage infrastructure, disrupt businesses…
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Internet as utility, not luxury
Kiya Tsegaye, Addis Standard’s Legal Affairs Advisor & Contributor Addis Abeba, June 04/2017 – For the third time in less than one year, authorities in Ethiopia have imposed a blanket blackout of access to internet for ordinary Ethiopians. The blackout is total for ordinary citizens because for the last six days, a few people, especially those who are willing to…
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