#ASDailyScoop: Addis Abeba City to kick start cadastral registration as of today

Kifle Gebre , Director General of the Agency

Addis Abeba – Addis Abeba City Administration Landholding Registration and Information Agency announced that cadasteral registration and proclamation work will be carried out from today through September 10, 2022.

The Director General of the Agency, Kifle Gebre, said in a press briefing today residents of the city who have not previously registered their land holdings can prepare their data for the next 15 days.

The Agency said the city administration has been working on landholding registration and verification (cadastre) for the past 10 years. During this year, the agency plans to carry out the cadastral registration and declaration works of 25 districts located within 10 sub-cities, excluding the newly restructured Lemi Kura sub-city. Lemi Kura had become the 11th sub-city after portions of land from Bole and Yeka sub-cities was subtracted and designated by the City Council in October 2020.

Kifle further said that during the validation and declaration process which is scheduled to run through September, no name transfer will take place during this period except for lands facing legal issues and disputes.

Jamal Haji (Eng), the Deputy Director General of the Agency, on his part said that in the years between 2015 and 2018 the city administration had registered more than 118,000 plots of land and more than 161,000 condominium houses using the cadastral registration. He added that community observers will be involved to ensure the current cadastral registration process is credible. AS

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