Getachew Reda’s faction denounces ongoing TPLF congress, declaring its outcomes ‘null and void’

(Photo: Dimtsi Weyane)

Addis Abeba – A conference convened under the theme “Salvation of the People and the Party” and presided over by Tigray’s Interim Administration President Getachew Reda, who concurrently serves as Deputy Chairman of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), has declared the resolutions of the ongoing 14th Congress of the TPLF to be “null and void.”

A statement issued following the conclusion of a regional conference held yesterday indicated that the gathering aimed to address the persisting crisis in Tigray, with a particular emphasis on the TPLF’s political landscape.

According to regional media outlet Dimtsi Weyane, participants in this forum included members of the TPLF Central Committee who did not attend the 14th Congress, as well as members of the audit commission and leadership from regional, zonal, and district levels within the region.

“The 14th Congress, conducted for the benefit of a single group, is both dangerous and illegal, posing a threat to our party and our people. Therefore, the decisions made during the conference are unacceptable,” the statement reads. “This illegal activity endangers our party and our people, and it is imperative that everyone stand against it.”

The statement further warned that “this group will be held accountable for any detrimental consequences arising from the illegal assembly.”

In its statement, the conference chaired by President Getachew reaffirmed its commitment to the Pretoria Peace Agreement, highlighting its significance as a product of the people’s struggle and sacrifice.

The conference also pledged to support the interim administration and to contribute to recovery and reconstruction efforts until a democratically elected government is established.

The statement conveyed concern regarding the TPLF’s difficulties in registering as a new party, attributing these challenges to the irresponsible actions of certain individuals, and pledged to pursue peaceful means to resolve the issue.

It also condemned the recent TPLF congress as illegal and serving the interests of a specific faction, questioned the judgment of the conference attendees, and reaffirmed its commitment to preserving the party.

The 14th Congress of the TPLF has been underway since 13 August, 2024, under the leadership of its Chairman, Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD).

The 14th Congress, the party’s highest governing body, commenced amidst escalating controversy and notable absences. Fourteen members of the Central Committee, including the President of the Interim Administration of the Tigray Region and TPLF Vice Chairman, Getachew Reda, were absent.

According to the latest statement from the TPLF, the congress is scheduled to conclude today. AS

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