
Interim admin accuses TPLF of 'destabilizing' the region; warns of legal action amid rising tensions

Getachew Reda, president of Interim Administration of Tigray (Photo: Dimtsi Weyane/Screeshot)

Addis Abeba –The interim administration of Tigray has issued a stern warning to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), led by Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD), accusing it of attempting to “destabilize” the region through disruptive and unlawful activities.

The administration has declared its intention to take legal action against the TPLF leadership, citing the group’s efforts to sow “chaos and anarchy” within the Tigray region.

This statement comes a day after the TPLF announced the removal of five key officials from the interim administration, including President Getachew Reda.

The TPLF’s statement asserted, “Officials serving in the interim administration, including President Getachew and other cabinet members and bureau heads, will no longer have the authority to lead, make decisions, or issue directives.”

In response, the Tigray interim administration accused Debretsion’s faction, which convened a congress, of attempting a “coup d’état.”

The administration criticized the TPLF for working to spread “anarchy and create chaos” in the region and warned that it would take “legal action against the group.”

The statement also said that any harm resulting from this legal action would be solely the responsibility of the “group and its leaders.”

The interim administration also condemned Debretsion’s faction for “perceiving the Tigrayan people’s patience and unity in the face of recent events as a weakness.”

The statement emphasized that “this group openly expressed its desire to create anarchy in the region.”

Additionally, the administration noted that Debretsion’s faction is “acting irresponsibly, aiming to create chaos in the region,” contributing to instability instead of resolving issues.

In light of the situation, the Tigray forces issued a statement highlighting that both factions of the TPLF have released conflicting and divisive statements regarding the interim administration.

The security forces expressed concern that these statements are creating confusion and unrest among the people of the region.

The Tigray forces have warned that it will not tolerate any acts of lawlessness or security threats arising from the contradictory statements made by the two groups and emphasized that it will not allow any activities that jeopardize the peace and security of the region. AS

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