Addis Abeba – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that Ethiopia has officially submitted an application to join the BRICS bloc of developing nations. In a press conference held today, Ministry spokesman Meles Alem acknowledged Ethiopia’s desire to join BRICS, emphasizing the importance of aligning with influential blocs such as BRICS, a consortium, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
As a country with a history of being a founding member of global institutions like the African Union (AU) and the United Nations (UN), Ethiopia aims to secure its national interests by becoming a part of BRICS, Meles was quoted stating by The reporter. “It is important to join blocs like BRICS as we seek to guarantee our national interests.”
He added that the country hopes to receive “positive response” for the membership application.
Over the past years studies show a drastic increase in trade between Ethiopia and BRICS, largely accounted for by China and India. BRICS countries are becoming increasingly important trading partners to Ethiopia, especially as sources of Ethiopia’s imports.
The BRICS has made significant progress over the years as major emerging economies, and given the substantial advancements made by BRICS, an increasing number of countries have expressed their interest to join this influential bloc. Among those showing clear signs of interest are Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Iran, and Argentina. AS