News: Ministry of Justice to submit draft transitional justice policy for Council of Ministers’ approval

Gedion Timothewos (PhD), minister of Justice (Photo: Ministry of Justice/Facebook)

Addis Abeba – The Ministry of Justice announced today that it will submit the draft transitional justice policy for approval by the Council of Ministers in the coming weeks.

This comes after the conclusion of public consultation workshops held last week to validate the draft National Transitional Justice Policy.

In September 2023, a team of 14 experts leading public consultations on transitional justice policy options, under the auspices of the ministry, said it has concluded the consultations which have been underway across the country since March 2023.

According to the Ministry’s statement released today, four workshops were organized in Addis Abeba last week with representatives of political parties, civil society organizations, democratic institutions, victims groups and government officials. The stakeholders “actively debated and contributed feedback on the policy draft content” the statement from the Ministry reads.

The Ministry of Justice under the leadership of Gedion Timothewos (PhD), said it will now review the “huge volume of inputs” gathered during the workshops and through written submissions by the public. It also announced the draft policy will be finalized based on the inputs before being submitted for approval by the Council of Ministers in the upcoming weeks. 

The transitional justice process is guided by the Transitional Justice Working Group of Experts established in November 2022. The group previously conducted 58 public consultations nationwide and issued reports summarizing input towards the draft policy.

Recently Addis Standard published an article detailing expert perspectives on outstanding issues around Ethiopia’s transitional justice process. The experts caution against misplaced optimism, questioning the government’s commitment to genuine accountability. 

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Concerns were also raised regarding the proposed role of international experts, contradictions with customary law, and the lack of clarity on responsibilities between federal and regional governments. AS [/expander_maker]

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