Letter: “Our forces are absolutely not responsible” for recent killing in Horo Guduru: OLA Spokesperson

Members of the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA)

Dear Editors,

We were dismayed at seeing a one-sided article being released by your publication that erroneously places blame on us for an atrocity committed in Horo Guduru on Orthodox Christians. What is further confusing is you based this assertion on the account of a single individual. We would like to state under no uncertain terms that our forces are absolutely not responsible. 

We have explained in a previous communique what the situation in Horo Guduru is. We once again suggest you reach out to the residents of Horo Guduru and ask them who Faqadaa  Abdiisaa is and who sent him and his militia into Horo Guduru. As we have said time and time again, we do not target anyone based on ethnicity or religion. As you report stated, the victims were Orthodox Christians and it should be noted that the vast majority of our forces in Horo Guduru are Orthodox Christians themselves. Furthermore, as stated before, our troops face stiff penalties for killing civilians; there is no tolerance for such acts. 

In the future, we ask that you reach out for a statement in matters regarding the Oromo Liberation Army. 

Thank you,

Odaa Tarbii

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