News Alert: All parties as well as Ethiopia’s neighbors must act to reduce tension, eliminate inflammatory language and abstain from provocative military deployments: EU

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell/ Pictures: EU

Statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell on the latest developments

Addis Abeba, November 02/2020 – Developments in Ethiopia are a cause of deep concern. All parties as well as Ethiopia’s neighbors must act to reduce tension, eliminate inflammatory language and abstain from provocative military deployments. Failure to do so risks destabilizing the country as well as the wider region.

Building a national consensus through an inclusive national dialogue, comprising all the relevant political actors, is now more important than ever. This will be the key to a democratic and prosperous future for the Ethiopian people. Coercion or the threat of force can never be an alternative.

The European Union is firmly committed to supporting reforms in Ethiopia and reiterates that the only way to ensure the success of this endeavor is to uphold the rule of law while respecting human rights. This will also guarantee the possibility of free, fair and credible elections in 2021.

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