News: Former Tigray cabinet hands over power to cabinet of recently formed interim administration

Getachew Reda, interim president of Tigray (Left), Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD), chairman of ruling TPLF and former President of Tigray (Photo: DW)

Addis Abeba – A new cabinet established by the Interim Administration (IA) of Tigray has taken over the responsibility of administering the region from the existing cabinet, regional media Dimtsi Woyane reported.

Speaking at the handing over ceremony, chairman of TPLF and former President of Tigray regional state Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD) said that the formation of the IA in Tigray was handled in accordance to the peace agreement on cessation of hostilities signed in South Africa, Pretoria, 02 November 2022.

Extending his wishes of success to the new IA in its endeavors of administering the region, he emphasized that the necessary prearrangements for the IA to start its work has been put in place.

He further noted that the party [TPLF] and all the people of Tigray will support the IA in discharging its responsibilities to ensure lasting peace and development of the Tigray region and its people through peaceful struggle.

During the handover ceremony, the President of the newly formed Interim Administration of Tigray, Getachew Reda, said that the regional government will use all the resources of Tigray to ensure the survival and safety of the people of Tigray. He thanked all the former leadership and urged to work hand in glove in order to ensure the interests of Tigray.

The Interim Regiona Administration of Tigray was established under the provision of Article 10(1) of the Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement signed in Pretoria between the Federal Government and the TPLF on November 02 last year.  AS

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