News: NEBE postpones voters’ registration; no registration so far in all four zones in Wellega, Oromia due to security

Voters queuing to get registered in Yeka Abado voters registration station in the capital Addis Abeba

Addis Abeba, April 24/2021 – The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) has postponed voters’ registration by two and three weeks in various parts of the country.

In a statement NEBE released yesterday, which was the original deadline for voters’ registration, it said registrations were ongoing in various parts of the country and were at various stages: for example the registration in Afar and Somali regional states commenced late while in other parts of the country commenced on time. In general, so far 18,427,239 voters were registered in 41,659 voter registration stations functioning across the country.

However, due to challenges owing to delays in registration start dates; delays of registration due to lack of sufficient information and other reasons; as well as interruptions in some registration offices, especially in the capital Addis Abeba due to the number limit that voters are allowed to register in one station, which is 1, 500, among others, the Board has decided to extend the date.

Accordingly, in Afar and Somali regions where voters’ registration commenced late, the registration deadline is extended by three weeks

Accordingly, in Afar and Somali regions where voters’ registration commenced late, the registration deadline is extended by three weeks; whereas in other parts of the country where registration began in time but were delayed due to the above reasons, the deadline is extended by two more weeks.

No registration in Wellega zone, Oromia region

In addition, the Board said that voters’ registrations did not start in all the four zones of Wellega in western Oromia, namely: West and East Wellega, Horo Guduru and Kellem Wellega zones due to problems associated with security. The Board said it was making preparations, including distribution of election material and training of election officials in order to commence voters registration in seven weredas across west and east Wellega, and Horo Guduru zones. The Board didn’t mention if similar preparations were underway in Kellem Wellega.

The Board said that voters’ registrations did not start in all the four zones of Wellega in western Oromia, namely: West and East Wellega, Horo Guduru and Kellem Wellga zones due to problems associated with security

Similar preparation were underway in Beinshangul Gumuz regional state except for Kamashi zone, Sedal Wereda, an area which is reported to have fallen under the control of rebels this week. In North Shewa and Oromo zone in Amhara regional state, where recent violence flared up, electoral works have stopped; the Board said it would announce when voters’ registration would begin. The NEBE further said that it would facilitate the opening of sub-registration offices in voters’ registration stations which have finished the 1,500 people registration limit. AS

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