News: PM Abiy Ahmed discusses current affairs, issues national call for complete mobilization against forces loyal to TPLF

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

By Addis Standard Staff 

Addis Abeba, August 10/2021 In a statement  released today, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed discussed current affairs and issued a national call. The PM called on all forms of complete mobilisation against Tigrayan forces. 

In his address to the nation, PM Abiy accused the TPLF ( recently designated by the House of People’s Representatives as a terrorist group) of having colluded with ‘external and internal enemies of the state’ and wasting the money it looted from national coffers. He also attributed the rampant conflict, displacements and horrific killings throughout the country to the TPLF. 

Abiy underscored the government’s efforts of implementing all means of peace and reconciliation prior to the breaking out of conflict on November 3, 2020 and added “The government made all efforts humanly possible to ensure that the people of Tigray are not put to harm.” 

The TPLF, according to the statement,  sabotaged rebuilding efforts by disrupting the distribution of humanitarian assistance and the resumption of infrastructure repairs, destroying health and education facilities, brutally killing members of the interim administration, and disrupting agricultural activities. All of which the PM said ‘The international community has turned a deaf ear to’ and further accused the international community of attempting to  “resuscitate and use the terrorist group for their own agenda.” The statement also discussed  enactment of the unilateral ceasefire by the federal government, recalling the provision of humanitarian assistance to the people of Tigray by the federal government. 

After explaining that the TPLF is  recruiting children for war by intoxicating them with illegal substances, the PM went on to inform the international community,  “The TPLF terrorist group has launched an attack that appears to target the public, and therefore should be defended in such a manner. All our people need to give it an irreversible response.”

“The TPLF terrorist group has launched an attack that appears to target the public, and therefore should be defended in such a manner. All our people need to give it an irreversible response.”

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

The PM concluded by calling on the people to mobilize against the TPLF. He also addressed that National Defense Forces, Regional Special Forces and Militia to halt what he called ‘the machinations of foreign hands’ as well as ‘destruction committed by the TPLF’. “Now is the right time for all capable Ethiopians who are of age to join the defense Forces, Special Forces and militias and show your patriotism.” the PM said, further calling on parts of the society that are not able to directly join the security forces to strengthen their involvement in development activities. 

“The media, artists and social activists are expected to contribute towards strengthening the peoples support for the country. Every Ethiopian must work closely with the security forces in being the eyes and ears of the country In order to track down and expose spies and agents of the terrorist TPLF,” the statement read, and reiterated that the battle is not with Tigray, but with ‘the terrorist forces that have found hiding in Tigray and  are behind the TPLF to dismantle the country and destroy Ethiopia’s existence”. AS  

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