News: PM Abiy “appoints” Getachew Reda head of Tirgay Interim Admin

Getachew Reda. Photo: Tigray Tv

Addis Abeba – The Office Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ahmed said PM Abiy has “appointed” Getachew Reda as head of the Interim Regional Administration (IRA) of Tigray regional state.

The office stated that the appointment was based on a decision passed by the House of Federation (HoF) to establish Tigray regional state’s interim administration, which is in accordance with Article 62 (9) of the Constitution and Proclamation No. 359/1995, Article 14/2/B. Furthermore, Article 10(1) of the Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement signed in Pretoria between the Federal Government and the TPLF and to end the conflict on November 02 last year called for the establishment of an inclusive Interim Regional Administration.

According to the PM’s office, the council of Ministers met on Saturday 18 March and enacted a guideline to establish “Inclusive Interim Regional Administration of Tigray”, adding that PM Abiy’s decision was based on the provision of the guideline article 3(2) has appointed Getachew to lead Tigray region’s interim administration.

The head of interim administration is responsible for leading and coordinating the executive body of the region by setting up an inclusive administration that ensures the representation of various political forces operating in the region, the office said.

The meeting by the Council of Ministers took place a day after the Central Committee of Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) elected Getachew, member of the party’s Executive Committee, to lead the incoming interim administration. Getachew received 18 votes out of the 41 members of the central Committee.

PM Abiy’s announcement today followed yesterday’s decision by the Ethiopian House of Peoples Representatives (HoPR) to de-list the TPLF from its terrorist designation list. The decision was approved by a majority vote, 61 against, and five abstentions. AS

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