News: Tigray state says committed to implement cessation of hostilities “immediately”, asks humanitarian assistance to meet needs on the ground

Addis Abeba – The Tigray state today released a statement in response to yesterday’s declaration of humanitarian truce by the federal government. The regional government of Tigray vowed that it is committed to implementing a cessation of hostilities effective immediately if the people of Tigray receive humanitarian aid equivalent to their needs within a reasonable time frame. 

“The Government of Tigray will do everything it can to make sure that this cessation of hostilities is a success,” the statement read, further urging authorities to take concrete steps to facilitate unfettered humanitarian access to Tigray.

The federal government yesterday announced its decision to declare a humanitarian truce citing the need to take ‘extraordinary measures to save lives and reduce human suffering.’ 

The Tigray state reiterated its willingness and readiness to resolve the situation peacefully.  However, it stressed the need to lift the blockade of humanitarian aid and the restoration of telecommunication and banking services. The statement concluded by asserting that linking political and humanitarian issues are unacceptable. “Nonetheless, the people and Government of Tigray will do their best to give peace a chance,” the statement read. 

Yesterday, the federal government said that thousands of people from Tigray are fleeing to the neighboring Amhara region in search of assistance and emphasized the need for urgent measures to ensure that those in need are able to receive aid in their localities. The federal government also called on Tigrayan forces to withdraw from areas they have occupied in neighboring regions. The federal government expressed optimism that this truce will pave the way for the resolution of the ongoing conflict. 

The House of People’s Representatives (HoPR)  approved the bill presented by the council of ministers to designate the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF)  and “Shene”  (government’s reference to Oromo Liberation Army)  as terrorist organizations in May last year. The federal government has not commented on the matter as of yet. AS

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