News: U.S. Trade Rep. hints “if unaddressed” rights violations “could affect” Ethiopia’s future AGOA eligibility

Katherine Tai and Mamo Mihretu. Picture: Twitter handles

Addis Abeba, August 26/2021 – United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai met virtually with Ethiopia’s Senior Policy Advisor and Chief Trade Negotiator Mamo Mihretu on August 25, according to the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Global Public Affairs.

She raised the ongoing violations of internationally recognized human rights amid the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in northern Ethiopia

“Both leaders discussed the historic economic relationship between the United States and Ethiopia, and potential for further growth,” the Bureau said in a dispatch.

During the meeting, Ambassador Tai recognized the steps Ethiopia has made toward political and economic reform.  “She raised the ongoing violations of internationally recognized human rights amid the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in northern Ethiopia, which could affect Ethiopia’s future African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) eligibility if unaddressed,” the dispatch reads.  

Both Ambassador Tai and Chief Trade Negotiator Mihretu “agreed on the importance of working together to sustain the economic partnership between the United States and Ethiopia.”

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