Addis Abeba – Families and residents of Fentale district in the East Shewa Zone of Oromia Region have raised concerns about the whereabouts of 20 members of the Karrayyu Gadaa leaders and community elders who were arrested on January 6, 2025, and remain missing.
According to individuals who spoke to Addis Standard, ten members of the Karrayyu Gadaa leaders and ten community elders were called from their homes for a meeting by the Fantale district administration and subsequently detained by security forces. It has been 18 days since their arrest, and their location remains unknown.
“It has been 18 days since their arrest,” said a family member of one detainee. “We have no idea where they were taken. Twenty of those arrested are completely unaccounted for.” He added, “We haven’t been informed whether they are in detention or not. We don’t know if they are alive or dead.”
The family member recounted receiving a call from someone present at the meeting on the day of the arrests, who informed them that “community elders and Gadaa leaders were separated from the others” and that their destination was unknown.
Efforts to locate the detainees have been futile. “We searched for them by bringing food and other necessities,” another relative stated. “But we couldn’t find them. When we asked officials at the district police office, they told us, ‘No one is detained here.’”
Negasan (a pseudonym for security reasons), a resident of Fentale district familiar with the matter, told Addis Standard that the arrest of the Karrayyu Gadaa leaders and community elders is tied to accusations of refusing to facilitate the reintegration of Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) fighters, referred to as Shanee by the government.
“They were told to facilitate the reintegration of OLA fighters into their communities, as has been done in other areas,” Negasan explained. “Authorities warned that failure to comply would prevent the Gadaa power transfer ceremony.”
The Karrayyu Gadaa leaders reportedly responded by stating they could only welcome those willing to reintegrate, emphasizing that they had no connection with those unwilling. “We cannot do anything about this,” the leaders reportedly said. “The Gadaa system, preserved for generations, should not be disrupted over this.”
The leaders also highlighted issues such as insecurity and the lack of basic development services in the district while pledging to collaborate with the government to ensure sustainable peace.
Among those whose whereabouts remain unknown are Karrayyu Gadaa leaders Roba Jilo Jembo, Guro Roba Hanbu, and Haldango Fentale, as well as community elders Abebe Abullo, Konjo Jilo Godeti, Umer Roba Ayana, Hussein Bulutum, Warrio Asebot, Dedecho Biftu, Hawe Jilo, and Arole Bula.
Negasan also reported that approximately 150 people, including marketgoers, were detained at the Metehara town administration office, while another 300 were detained in a fenced compound in Merti.
We fear that the events of 2021 might happen again
Residents of Fentale district
In December 2021, Addis Standard reported that14 prominent members of the Karrayyu Gadaa leadership were summarily executed during a prayer ceremony. The victims ncluded the leader Abbaa Gadaa Kadir Hawas Boru.
The federal and Oromia regional governments initially blamed the killings on OLA, which denied involvement from the get go.
Later on, a report by the state’s Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) revealed that the killings were carried out by members of government security forces and that there were “reasonable grounds” to believe that it constituted “extrajudicial killing.” Additional investigative report published Reuters revealed that the killings were carried out by a secretive government security operative called “Koree Nageenyaa,” which is roughly translated to “Security Committee” with approval from higher level regional and federal government officials.
The violence against the Karrayyu Gadaa leaders did not end there. In March 2023, Addis Standard reported that Hawas Mato Borra, a senior member of the Karrayyu Michile Gadaa leaders who survived the 2021 massacre, was shot and killed by “armed groups from the Amhara region.”
Speaking to Addis Standard about the recent arrests, a resident of Fentale district expressed fear of history repeating itself. “We are deeply afraid that the events of 2021 might recur,” the resident said, highlighting concerns over the repeated targeting of the Karrayyu Michile Gadaa leaders since 2021.
The resident emphasized the importance of distinguishing politics from the Gadaa system and criticized the repeated visits by government security forces to the Karrayyu Gadaa leaders, which have frustrated the community.
Attempts by Addis Standard to reach district officials for comment were unsuccessful.
However, in comments to the BBC, Fentale District Administrator Hawas Chercher and the district’s Head of Security and Administration Kedir Roba denied that any Gadaa leaders or community elders were detained under such circumstances.
Gobena Hola, Chairman of the Gadaa Council of Tulema and Vice Chairman of Gadaa Council of Oromia , confirmed to Addis Standard that 20 Karrayyu Gadaa leaders and community elders were arrested.
“I am aware that the Karrayyu Gadaa leaders have been arrested. However, I have no information about where they were taken or which authority detained them,” he said, adding, “I heard that 10 of the detainees have been released from other parties.” AS