Irreechaa: A festival giving boost to the rise of Oromo fashion industry

Addis Ababa – Irreechaa, one of the most revered festival among the Oromo people, is to be held on 07 and 08 October, 2023 in Addis Ababa and Bishoftu. Millions of people are expected to attend the two days festival.  It is customary to wear traditional costume among the celebrants. 

Thus, this festivity gave a significant rise to the evolution of Oromo fashion industry. In addition to increased productivity, the cultural cloth industry has advanced in its production and distribution of the clothes.

Along with the rise of the demand for the clothing, new fashion designers have joined the industry.

A young designer Firtuna Bekele owns a cultural cloth shop in Bishoftu,  a city 45 kilometers away from the capital Addis Ababa.

Speaking to Addis Standard, Firtuna said that due to a positive impact of Irreechaa festival, the demand for the cultural cloth has increased. She also mentioned that she hired additional workers to satisfy the growing demand.

Firtuna is specialized in a traditional costume known as ‘Wendebo’.

Dereje Adamu another professional in the industry said the demand has increased significantly though the market competition is high due to increased production and quality.

Dereje owns a shop in Addis Ababa in an area known as Shiromeda. He produces varying type of traditional clothes. “We produce various types of Oromo traditional cloth including Jimma,  Arsi, Ilu Abbaboraa, Shewa and so on.”

Jalene, a young Oromo girl, was seen buying a cultural cloth for the upcoming Irreecha festival, during a brief visit Addis Standard staff was having at some cultural cloth stores. She said that the positive impact on the Oromo cultural clothes is encouraging to the industry. AS

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