News: Federal gov’t, Tigray Interim admin to discuss Pretoria accord progress in the presence of mediators

The signing of Pretoria Peace Agreement on 02 November 2022 (Photo:AFP)

Addis Abeba – The Tigray Interim Administration is set to hold discussions in the forthcoming weeks with the delegates from the African Union (AU), designated mediators, and the federal government to tackle the persistent challenges stemming from the complete enactment of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) signed in November 2022.

During a press briefing held yesterday, Redae Halefom, head of the Communications Bureau at the Tigray Interim Administration, conveyed that the forthcoming discussions are intended to address fundamental issues that persistently hinder the complete realization of the Pretroria Peace Agreement.

Redae articulated that the lack of effective implementation has led to adverse circumstances for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and inhabitants residing in areas under the control of Eritrean and Amhara forces.

Three weeks ago, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and his cabinet members convened with a delegation under the leadership of Getachew Reda, President of the Interim Administration of Tigray, and senior officials of the TPLF.

The meeting was convened to deliberate on matters concerning the comprehensive implementation of the CoHA, specifically focusing on the unresolved status of Western Tigray.

After the conclusion of the meeting, Getachew emphasized the significance of adhering to the constitutional process outlined in Pretoria’s CoHA. He highlighted the stipulation within the agreement, which obliges the safe return of IDPs to their original locations and guarantees their peace and security.

Getachew also indicated that a follow-up meeting is scheduled for March 2024, with participants including representatives from the African Union, the United Nations, the United States, and South Africa.

Yesterday, Redae reiterated that the interim administration has consistently pursued discussions regarding the Pretoria Peace Agreement with pertinent entities. “Despite numerous requests, these endeavors have not borne fruit in the past,” Redae stated.

The interim administration aims to address several critical elements, including the continued displacement of individuals, impediments to residents’ return to their hometowns, and the withdrawal of non-Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) armed groups, including those from Eritrea and Amhara, as stated by the head of communications. AS

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