President Getachew Reda mandates meeting approvals in Tigray

(Photo: Tigray TV)

Addis Abeba – Getachew Reda, president of the Tigray Interim Administration, has issued a directive mandating that zonal and district administration units obtain prior approval from his office before convening any meetings.

In a formal communication addressed to all zonal and district administrations, President Getachew underscored the importance of centralized decision-making.

He emphasized the urgent need to address the region’s pressing challenges and strictly prohibited any meetings without his prior authorization.

President Getachew also outlined the interim administration’s priorities for the upcoming year, including the repatriation of displaced citizens, the preservation of territorial unity, cholera prevention and treatment, the finalization and approval of the budget, and planning for the 2024/2025 fiscal year.

“Any unauthorized meetings could hinder the progress of these critical initiatives,” he stressed.

He cautioned that any meetings conducted outside the framework established by the interim administration would not be recognized. He further instructed the relevant authorities to monitor and prevent such unauthorized gatherings.

Getachew’s directive was issued just days after the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) re-elected Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD) as its chairman during the recently concluded 14th Congress, which took place over the past seven days in Mekelle, the capital of Tigray.

The Congress, which was marked by a boycott from key executive members, including Getachew, witnessed leadership changes within the party.

The Congress appointed Amanuel Assefa, the former head of the Tigray region’s justice bureau and chief of the Interim Administration President’s office, as the new deputy chairman of the party, replacing Getachew. Amanuel also served as the chief secretariat of the Congress.

However, in a separate conference held over the weekend, Getachew and several other key members of the interim administration declared the outcomes of the TPLF Congress “null and void.” AS

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