News: Senior Naval Officer says Ethiopian Navy preparations consider protecting country from threats

By: Siyanne Mekonnen @siyaanne
Addis Abeba, June 4, 2021-The deputy commander and deputy chief of logistics at the Ethiopian Naval Force, Commodore Waletsa Wacha said that the navy is preparing by taking into account potential threats. The officer told a local newspaper that the country’s military capacity is able to withstand ‘any kind of enemy wherever it may come from’. The commander explained that works are underway to reorganize the navy into a single unit. “The preparation of the navy takes into account potential attacks that may come from sea.”
Commodore Waletsa said that the navy is working with the ground forces and the air force as well. “Our status makes anyone who plans on invading Ethiopia to think twice,” he said, further explaining that Ethiopia has organized and mobilized air, ground, navy and other security forces to ensure the country’s security. He also indicated that the army is preoccupied with mitigating the security crisis caused by the country’s enemies in addition to its regular duties of securing the borders. “Our enemies are using our internal gaps to attack us instead of facing us upfront.” he said, adding, “But the current status of the army is more than enough to defeat our enemies.”
The deputy commander of the navy noted that the army is free of political alliances in its design and that it is fulfilling its responsibility of defending the country’s sovereignty in the same manner. He said that members of the air force are equipped with ethics and advanced technology. The navy is also recruiting members and providing well researched and effective training according to Commodore Waletsa.
He expressed optimism about the capacity of the navy and reassured that the navy is ready to collaborate with other forces to fend off ‘enemies who are threatening the country.’ AS