Month: October 2013

  • Africa

    Bus plunge kills thirty one in northern Ethiopia

    Thirty one people have died in north Wollo zone of Raya Kobo district in northern Ethiopia yesterday when a mid-size bus they were traveling with went off the road and plunged into a 200 meter ravine. According a report on Radio Fana, during the accident the bus, which has a maximum carrying capacity of 24 people, was traveling with 43…

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  • Op/Ed

    Power outages in Ethiopian Hospitals

    Fitsum Tilahun (MD) The disaster of power outage in a hospital, especially a tertiary level hospital like Tikur Anbessa (Black Lion) is beyond comprehension and yet that was what happened two days ago: a power cut and a dysfunctional generator that lasted for seven agonizing hours. You can expect a lot of bad things to happen when you go to…

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  • Africa

    Evidence-based research should inform Africa’s position on regional integration – ECA

    At a meeting of the Eighth Ordinary Session of the Conference of African Ministers of Trade this week, a Senior Official of the Economic Commission for Africa, (ECA) has stressed the need for “a rethink of trade and integration priorities” towards a more strategic approach that is informed by sound research. Speaking on behalf of the ECA Executive Secretary, Mr.…

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  • Africa

    Gov. source refutes Ethiopia’s Deputy PM was involved in car accident

    But a separate motorbike accident claimed the life of one person A senior government official who was a part of a large delegation led by Ethiopia’s Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen during a visit to  Somali region in eastern Ethiopia refuted allegations that deputy Prime Minister  Demeke Mekonnen’s car was involved in a serious car crash with a motorbike in…

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  • Africa

    Prime Minister Hailemariam’s answers to questions by Addis Standard

    On Oct. 4th this year, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn briefed journalists based in Ethiopia on a wide range of issues mostly on the domestic economy and regional peace and security. PM Hailemariam also entertained questionnaires from journalists attending the briefing on variety of issues ranging from the continuous religious tension between Ethiopian Muslims and the government, to traffic inconveniences…

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  • Africa

    Human Rights Watch 2013 report on prison conditions in Ethiopia

    Human Rights Watch 2013 report on prison conditions in Ethiopia

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  • Africa

    Ethiopia: The manufacturing sector’s constant sting

    The history of manufacturing in Ethiopia dates back to the 1920s,but being prone to various challenges means its progress has been muted, says our special contributor Alem C. But now Ethiopia has established a National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council lead by Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and tasked to help jumpstart the nation’s lurching manufacturing sector  It is a yearly habit for…

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  • Commentary

    Iran’s military and the security challenges to a successful negotiation

    Anthony H. Cordesman Far too much of the analysis of Iran’s search for nuclear weapons treats it in terms of arms control or focuses on the potential threat to Israel. In reality, Iran’s mix of asymmetric warfare, conventional warfare, and conventionally armed missile forces have critical weaknesses that make Iran anything but the hegemon of the Gulf. Iran’s public focus…

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  • U.S

    When the kids hate everything

    There is little that horrifies a good ‘Planet No’ Republican more than an immense, expensive government program that Americans feel is benefiting them, says our U.S. Correspondent Tomas Mega. Observers of Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner know well that he is prone to crying in public.  It’s understandable.   Boehner has a large family of 234 Republicans in the…

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  • Africa

    Updated: Two die in a bomb blast in Addis Ababa

    The two people who have reportedly been killed by a bomb blast that went off at a residence in Bole district here in the Capital Addis Ababa, on Sunday Oct. 13th at about 3PM local time, are reported to be of Somali nationals. “The ones who died were of Somali origin,” Redwan Hussein, Head of the Government Communication Affairs office …

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