Year: 2013

  • Africa

    Three Deputy Prime Ministers :Indefensible breach of the constitution

    Prime Minister Haileariam Desalegn has now three deputy prime ministers, against the law of the land Kiya Tsegaye A long awaited cabinet reshuffle by Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn came to a surprising end on Nov. 29th last year when the Prime Minister gave his list of new cabinet members for approval to the ruling party dominated House of People’s…

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  • U.S

    What’s next for America and its guns?

      America is confronted with one of the most complicated constitutional rights of its own making  Tomas Mega, Las Vegas, Nevada  After the incomprehensible massacre of twenty Connecticut children, America, for the moment, appears ready to address one of the most perplexing assurances enshrined in its Constitution; the Second Amendment, guaranteeing citizens the right to keep and bear arms. The…

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  • Africa

    Nations, Nationalities and People’s Day: A chance to do away with the late PM Meles’s dangerous vision of ethnic federalism

    The theme for this year’s celebration paid tribute to the visions of the late PM Meles; but it should also be about how not to do ethnic federalism the dangerous way like he did Emnet Assefa Once again, the month of December 2012, as the last six Decembers, saw the all too familiar colorful get together of Ethiopian nations and…

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  • Africa

    Making sense of development through freedom

    Ethiopia’s late PM Meles Zenawi died convinced of a no relationship between democracy and development. He was wrong Bisrat Teshome, Special to Addis Standard The famous Economist and Nobel Prize winner of 1998, Amartya Sen, on his bestselling book “Development as Freedom” unwaveringly argues that development has to be seen as a process of expanding real freedom that people enjoy…

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  • World News

    Is Moscow Shifting on Syria?

    Although Moscow insists its official stand toward Syria hasn’t changed a bit, there are increasing signs that speak differently Mark N. Katz While still firmly opposed to any form of Western military intervention in Syria, there have recently been signs that Moscow is trying to dissociate itself from the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Although Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov stated…

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