Year: 2013

  • World News

    Ethiopia vows to construct the Great Renaissance Dam despite caution from Panel of Experts

    Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said that Ethiopia would neither halt, nor slow down the construction of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Nile. His statement came a day after Bloomberg news reported that a statement it received from the Panel of Experts tasked to study the impact of the Dam cautioned “structural measures might be needed to…

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  • Africa

    Ethiopian, Egyptian Foreign Ministers hold talks in New York

    Ethiopian Foreign Minister Dr Tedros Adhanom has held talks with his Egyptian counterpart, Nabil Fahmy, focusing on bilateral issues, on the sidelines of the 68th United Nations General Assembly in New York. During their meeting last Thursday, the two discussed on ways of enhancing bilateral relations in different areas and other issues of mutual interest while Dr Tedros stated Ethiopia’…

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  • Africa

    A landmark agreement between Ethiopia and Reykjavik Geothermal

    1000MW Facility will be Largest Geothermal Plant in Africa (USAID)- Prime Minister H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn and Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Michael Debretsion were both in attendance to announce the first independent power project in Ethiopia’s history. The 1000MW Corbetti geothermal plant will be built in two 500MW stages and is expected to be the largest geothermal facility in of…

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  • Africa

    Experts warn Africa’s economic growth threatened by serious demographic challenges

    Africa should use its rising and young population as a means of rapidly growing its economy, said Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Mr. Abdalla Hamdok. At the opening of a three-day meeting of population experts on the continent in Addis Ababa today, Mr. Hamdok said the continent has the youngest population in the world,…

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  • The Pulse

    A disease with no immediate remedy

    Ashenafi Zedebub “………As it progresses very slowly, taking many many years to reach full expression, it would affect the control of muscles.  There may be few symptoms beyond tremor and also alteration in walking.”  This is how Parkinson’s disease looks like! As experts noted, the progress of the illness is very very slow, so much so that one could not…

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  • Letters

    A year after Meles

    Dear Editor, I enjoyed reading your cover story assessing the political landscape in Ethiopia one year after the death of Meles Zenawi (Ethiopia: a year after Meles, Aug. 2013).  However, I found it hard to comprehend or share your general point about the country having seen no change or little change in the past one year owing to the death…

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  • Art Review


    Reviewed by Abiy Yonas H.  … The choice is between the child with no mist in his eyes and those gods who want to maintain all men under their spell of ignorance and deprivation.” (P. 281) Description Published: 2012 Publisher: Rehobot Printers 349 pages Tariku’s debut novel Eyes and Mist could be considered as the first fiction written in English…

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  • Art Review

    The Butler: Broken Promises and Political Redemption

    Andrew DeCort The basic ideal at the heart of the American political project is the gradual redemption of founding promises enshrined in law through popular struggle and political process. The Declaration of Independence (1776) stated: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that…

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  • Africa

    The ABCs of totalitarianism

    Our columnist Taye Negussie (PhD) answers some of the perplexing questions many of us ponder: what is totalitarianism? What are the features most commonly attributed to authoritarian regimes? And, most importantly, how is it possible for totalitarian regimes to subjugate so large a mass of citizens depriving them of their independent individual thought?  The 2009 edition of Encarta premium defines…

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  • Africa

    The resonating sound of her Afro-Electric vibe

    Our art and entertainment editor Zela Gayle looks into the life of Alesandra Seutin, a Zimbabwean born choreographer and artistic director known for her distinctly theatrical choreographic and movement vocabulary which combines physical theatre, innovative scenography, text and dance Alesandra Seutin was born in Harare, Zimbabwe, in 1980, the year her country got its independence, to a family where dance…

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