Month: April 2014

  • Africa

    Africa-owned private equity funds good to fight capital flight from the continent

    Speaking at a seminar on Capital Flight and Tax Havens in Africa that opened in Addis Ababa, on Wednesday April 9th, Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa has called on countries to tackle the issue with a sense of urgency. “Africa is not waiting for better times – we have to build the better times now,”…

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  • Africa

    New EU program to strengthen land governance in ten African countries including Ethiopia

    A new program worth €33 million to improve land governance and help improve the food and nutrition security of family farmers and vulnerable communities in Sub Saharan Africa, was announced today by EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs. “This will be done, among other things, through the application, at country level, of some Voluntary Guidelines set up by the international community…

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  • Africa

    Rwanda’s Rebirth

    Louise Mushikiwabo  KIGALI – Twenty years ago this week, the genocide against Rwanda’s Tutsis, the most brutally efficient killing spree in history, began. As the international community looked on – capable of intervening but unwilling to act – more than one million Tutsis and others who stood in the way of the atrocities were slaughtered. I count many in my…

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  • Africa

    New report shows EU collective ODA increases, Commissioner Piebalgs calls for more

    Although the European Union and its Member States continued to be the world’s largest aid donor in 2013, EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs called on Member States to intensify efforts to increase development aid. According to the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the EU is the world’s largest donor in 2013 providing more than half of the…

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  • Africa

    Egypt presidential hopeful threatens to use force over Ethiopian dam

    A potential candidate for the Egyptian presidency announced that he will order the use of military force against Ethiopia if the latter does not suspend the construction of the Grand Renaissance dam. In announcing his presidential bid at a press conference on Sunday, lawyer Mortada Mansour said that “water for Egypt is Egypt’s life”. “There” are signed international conventions ……

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  • Africa

    Ethiopia once again looks to Indian teachers

    Ethiopia, where Indian teachers have long been revered, is again looking at Indian teachers and trainers in various fields as the ancient East African nation, where one of the earliest traces of human existence has been found, shifts its economy from an agrarian to an industrial one. “In 1950-60 when we were expanding our education system, India came to our…

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  • Africa

    Erdoğan’s Pyrrhic Victory

    Sinan Ülgen  ISTANBUL – Turkey’s beleaguered Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) have emerged victorious from this week’s local elections. Still, the AKP’s triumph is unlikely to ameliorate the country’s internal conflicts, much less revive its tarnished international standing. The local elections were widely seen as a referendum on Erdoğan. The AKP received 44%…

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  • Africa

    Tendaho One Sugar mill to start operations in this month

    Ethiopian Sugar Corporation has announced that massive efforts are being undertaken to start the operation of the Tendaho One Sugar mill by the end of April. Asrat Kebede, Director of the Sugar Corporation’s follow-up plans told reporters that upon completion the Tendaho One Sugar project will have the capacity to produce 750,000 tons of sugar annually.  Tendaho One and the…

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  • Africa

    Ethiopian Airlines launches nonstop flight to Shanghai

    Ethiopian Airlines launched its first nonstop flight to China’s largest city and commercial hub, Shanghai on Saturday (March 29). Addressing an inauguration ceremony held in Addis Ababa, Tewolde Gebremariam, Chief Executive Officer of Ethiopian Airlines, said Ethiopian, now flying to 80 destinations in five continents was “the fastest growing African airline, the most profitable African airline and the largest international…

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  • Africa

    Greening Africa’s economy

    Carlos Lopes The Green Economy is based on the premise that social and economic progress must be achieved in ways that will not exhaust the earth’s finite natural resources and that will cope with the concerns over lack of natural resources, environmental devastation, and climate change. The concept is a culmination of extensive thinking, discussion and analysis that can be…

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