Month: June 2014

  • Africa

    Corporate Impact Venturing: A New Pathway for Driving Inclusive Growth

    Dr Maximilian Martin Ethiopia is now the fastest growing economy in Africa with a GDP growth rate of over ten percent in the last decade. The logical next step is to ask how Ethiopia can become a middle income country. Most of the economic growth of the country in the past decade has been driven by public investment. This ‘big…

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  • Africa

    Aid to education fell by US$42 million in Ethiopia

     Global aid down 10% since 2010 New figures released by UNESCO’s Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report ahead of the Global Partnership for Education’s Replenishment Pledging Conference in Brussels between 25th and 26th of June, revealed between 2011 and 2012, aid to education  fell by US$42 million in Ethiopia. Within that, aid to basic education in Ethiopia fell by…

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  • Africa

    African Governance Report urges fair political representativeness to deepen democracy in Africa

    Good management of diversity and fair political representativeness remain crucial to the successful holding of elections and the deepening of democracy on the African continent, says the 3rd edition of the African Governance Report (AGR III), which was launched in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  yesterday. “In about 35 out of the 40 countries covered by the Report, the trend of experts’…

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  • Africa

    Qaddafi’s Long Shadow

    Barak Barfi ANTALYA – The recent coup attempt in Libya, led by General Khalifa Hiftar, has finally pierced the illusion that the country’s dysfunctional central government, whose power is limited to the capital, Tripoli, can rule effectively. But determining how to bring peace and stability to Libya’s deeply fragmented society will require more than an assessment of this government’s mistakes;…

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  • Africa

    Mbeki urges African lawyers to support the fight against stolen funds

    African lawyers must strike a balance between the interests of their clients and that of society, especially with regards to the illegal outflows of money from the continent – says South Africa’s former President Thabo Mbeki who heads the Economic Commission for Africa-African Union High-level Panel (HLP) on Illicit Financial Outflows from Africa. Mr Mbeki’s remarks came at the start…

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  • Africa

    Pensioning in Ethiopia: No country for old men

    A country’s ability to take care of its needy people speaks volumes about its well being than mere numbers  Mahlet Fasil & Kalkidan Yibeltal   A pensioner for 23 years, Getahun Assefa, 83, of the former Imperial Guard, recalls nostalgically the days when it was possible to get by with his meager retirement benefit of less than US$20 (342 birr),…

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  • Africa

    Ethiopian security said it captured two terrorist cells in the country

    The Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Service and Federal Police Joint Anti-Terrorism Taskforce said yesterday that it has captured two terrorist cells in Ethiopia belonging to a terrorist sect called Kaworja. The Taskforce said the terrorist cells it has captured were comprised of a group of 25 individuals who were organized in two groups and were linked to two global…

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  • Africa

    Regularity of elections in Africa yet to deepen democracy

    The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is launching the third edition of the Africa Governance Report (AGR III) on Thursday June 5 2014, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This Report focuses on the theme: “Elections and Management of Diversity”. The Report indicates that greater regularity in holding elections since the beginning of the 1990s has not nec­essarily enhanced their…

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  • Africa

    Booming grain production in poor countries ends fears of high and extremely volatile prices

    Grain prices are likely to settle down for the first time since the 2008 price shock, largely thanks to boosting production in developing countries, reveals a new report by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) – the UK’s leading think tank on development issues. Poorer countries have added 240 million tones of cereals since the 2008 crisis, representing 74% of the…

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  • Africa

    At least 74 dead in Somali/Ethiopian clash with Al-Shebab

    At least 74 people were killed in fighting near Somalia’s border with Ethiopia on Sunday, according to officials and witnesses. Somali and Ethiopian forces attacked the bases of Al-Shebab islamists near the south-western town of Ato. Local people say that this is the worst fighting they have seen in the region and it is unclear how many were killed but…

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