Month: November 2014

  • Social Affairs

    Politicking alone

    Taye Negussie (PhD) As of late we are witnessing the ruling Ethiopian People Revolutionary Democratic Party (EPRDF) busily engag¬ing itself in undertaking a relentless mass “training” cam¬paign (often enforced) and targeting different segments of the population – from bus conductors to university stu¬dents and professors. While the official version from the government side puts the purpose as an attempt to…

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  • Commentary

    Harnessing water to power Africa: Bigger solutions for bigger problems

    Zerihun Abebe Yigzaw Looking at the earth during a night flight across the con¬tinent Africa tells all the grim story of a darker and invisible continent; face it, it is not as illuminated as many continents are on earth – mainly Europe, North America and parts of Asia. Save for the North-Eastern corner of Africa (Egypt) and the southern tip…

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  • Africa

    The Coca-Cola Company, SABMiller and Coca-Cola SABCO to form Coca-Cola beverages Africa

    • Bottling operations in 12 high-growth markets across Southern and East Africa with pro forma annual revenue of US$2.9bn and volume of 729 million unit cases (41 million hectolitres) • Largest Coca-Cola bottler in Africa and 10th largest worldwide with scale and resources to capture and accelerate the long-term growth potential in African markets • Shared vision, extensive experience of…

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  • Opinion

    What’s dragging Ethiopia’s democratic governance?

    Semahagn Gashu Abebe (PhD)   One of the most enduring features of the political system run by the ruling party in Ethiopia is the chronic problem of good governance. The rhetoric to achieve good governance in numerous variables has failed to match the reality on the ground.   When the EPRDF regime took power in 1991, it adopted different legal…

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  • Social Affairs

    The power of “the unexpected small touches”: Leveraging ‘soft skills’ for business success

    Taye Negussie (PhD) “….I could talk forever about the swimming pool, fantastic views, and the morning breakfast. Honestly, though I would expect those things given the price I was paying, what will bring me back to the resort was the impression ‘the unexpected small touches’ left on me.” This was an excerpt from a student’s market observation term paper report…

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  • Africa

    Will Ethiopia sort out its energy puzzle?

    Ethiopia’s immense energy potential is the envy of many countries in Africa; but reality loses contact with the country’s ambition to become a regional power pool thanks largely to its endless, complicated and slow moving energy policies Kalkidan Yibeltal In mid-December 2013 a major reshuffle in policy saw the split in two independent entities – the Ethio¬pian Electric Power (EEP)…

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  • U.S

    Thanks, but no thanks

    With President Obama’s domestic popularity at historic low and his international influence scarce, it is no coincidence that Democratic incumbents are reluctant to be seen with the President or wish to be associated directly with his agenda, says our U.S. correspondent Tomas Mega from Las Vegas, Nevada This much should be certain about the 2014 mid-term election: President Barack Obama…

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  • Africa

    Kenya – the home to authentic safari

    * Travel Story  Sponsored by Kenya Tourism Board!   In many ways Kenya is the ultimate destination for Africa’s authentic safari. A luxury travel in the country provides travelers with an intimate window into the heart of Africa! Located near the equator, Kenya offers savannahs teeming with game and cultures as old as time and unchanged by the modern world…

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  • Africa

    The Hotel Industry in Ethiopia: The best is yet to come

    Third only to Brussels and Washington DC, Addis Abeba is home to 118 diplomatic missions accredited to both the govern¬ment in Ethiopia, the AU and the UNECA. But it is a city which has only three international chain and six internationally branded hotels. For the hotel industry in Ethiopia, the best is yet to come Kalkidan Yibeltal   When the…

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  • Travel

    Shine bright like a diamond

    [Las Vegas] has a way of wrapping you tightly in its arms, kissing you gently on the cheek and whispering in your ear; “You’re gonna love it and we’re going to do everything we can to make you smile.” What has been done here is truly astonishing, from our correspondent Tomas Mega, in Las Vegas, Nevada It is a city…

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