#ASDailyScoop: Floods displace more than 75,000 people in Gambella state
Addis Abeba: More than 74,000 civilians have been displaced due to floods in eight districts in Gambella regional state in eight districts, the region’s press secretariat bureau said quoting Gatbel Mun, Gambella Regional State’s Disaster and Risk Management bureau official.
A high-level delegation led by the vice-president of the region, Tenkuay Jok, visited the affected Itang and Lare districts. Tenkuay Jok stated the floods had displaced many from their homes, and destroyed harvest and property, according to his observation. Accordingly, calls were urged upon governmental and non-governmental organizations to offer assistance.
Gembella Regional state president, Umod Ujulu, on the other hand, paid a visit to Ongogi town and observed the damages caused, he added that the government would lay particular emphasis on relaying immediate relief to those impacted and uprooted from their households.
These current figures of impacted districts and population increased in the number of districts and people who have been adversely affected by these floods three days ago.
The Gambella region is prone to seasonal floods, with severe damages registered between April-July 2021, which had displaced some 11,749 residents. AS