
#ASDailyScoop: Higher education institutions urged to play enhanced role to realize Ethiopia’s interest on Red Sea

Several papers discussing Ethiopia’s interest over the Red Sea have been presented at a workshop organized by five public universities (Photo: ETV)

Addis Abeba – Ethiopian higher education institutions have been urged to increase their role through diplomacy and awareness creation works to realize the country’s strategic interest in the Red Sea region.

Samuel Kifle (PhD), interim president of Addis Ababa University, speaking at an ongoing workshop jointly organized by five public Universities in Semera, Afar regional state, indicated that higher education institutions should promote people-to-people and cultural diplomacy in the Red Sea region for the success of Ethiopia’s quest for access to the sea.

The workshop, which explored Ethiopia’s strategic interest in the region, and the role of higher education institutions was organized by the Semera, Addis Ababa, Mekelle, Dire Dawa and Jigjiga Universities, according to the state media.

President of the host Semera University, Muhammad Usman (PhD), highlighted the need for higher education institutions to bolster awareness around Ethiopia’s intentions to acquire sea access on the principle of mutual benefit and thwart the dissemination of false information. AS

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