Law & JusticeNews

News: Activist, co-founder of online media Ubuntu, Eyasped Tesfaye arrested at his family house

Eyasped Tesfaye, co-founder of Ubuntu YouTube Channel

By Addis Standard Staff 

Addis Abeba, December 08/2021- Activist and co-founder of youtube channel Ubuntu , Eyasped Tesfaye was arrested by police at his parents’ house, his mother told the BBC Amharic. The former member of the Semayawi party was taken from his home yesterday after his house was searched by people including what his mother described as men donned in uniforms of Addis Abeba Police.

Eysaped’s mother, Teshalech Bulcha said that she was not told why security forces arrested her son. She added, “They responded angrily to my questions as to why he was being arrested so I kept quite fearing our confrontation would bother my son. ”

Another Eysaped’s family member who spoke to the BBC on condition of anonymity said security forces from Addis Abeba police searched Eyasped’s family home and eventually took him away ‘for questioning.’ The family member also testified that before they conducted the security forces stayed around the premises of Eyasped’s house for hours saying they were waiting for an order. 

This family member who insisted on remaining anonymous expressed their assumption that Eyasped’s arrest might have been in connection with the state of emergency. His mother on her part said, “ I could not demand a search warrant and  ask why our house was being searched due to the state of emergency.” She further disclosed that after several hours of searching, security forces confiscated Eyasped’s personal laptop and cell phone.  

Eyasped’s friend who refrained from disclosing his name for security reasons told Addis Standard that he is detained at a police station in Arada sub city. Eyasped has not appeared in court until the publication of this news. AS

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