News: CETU launches partnership campaign for ratification of key International Labor Conventions

Addis Abeba – The Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU) has initiated a new partnership campaign to raise awareness and urge Ethiopia to sign four key International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions that are yet to be ratified.
The partnership campaign specifically urges lawmakers to integrate ILO Conventions 189 concerning decent work for domestic workers, 190 on workplace violence and harassment, 97 on migrant workers, and 143 on protections for migrant workers into national legislation, as Ethiopia has not yet adopted these international accords.
“These critical conventions would not only protect the human and labor rights of workers but also enable workers to be more effective in the activities Ethiopian workers carry out,” Kassahun Follo, President of CETU, said speaking at the launch event on Tuesday.
Kassahun specifically highlighted how Convention 189 deals with better organization of domestic workers, stating, “having domestic workers organized into unions will allow them to conduct their vital work in a more integrated and efficient way.” He called on all relevant bodies at federal, regional, and local levels to contribute to the practical ratification of these conventions in Ethiopia.
Several stakeholders spoke at the event in support of the CETU partnership campaign. Tadele Yimer, President of Ethiopian Employers’ Federation, shared the federation’s “full commitment to pushing these conventions forward to formal adoption.”
Representatives of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) among others have also pledged support to CETU’s campaign urging the ratification of the conventions.
Tekalign Ayalew (PhD), Director of Labor Affairs at the Ministry of Labor and Skills, confirmed “respect for CETU’s work” and pledged to add ratification deliberations of all four conventions to the next executive advisory agenda concerning employers, employees, and governmental policy.
In April 2022, CETU had made a call asking the government to ratify these International labor laws. AS