
News: President calls to end use of force to resolve differences as Ethiopia marks nations and nationalities day

The 18th celebration of Nations Nationalities and People’s Day in Jigjiga (Photo:EBC)

Addis Abeba – Ethiopian president Sahlewerk Zewude in her remarks during the celebration of the 18th Nations, Nationalities and People’s day called for the end of use of force to resolve political differences.

The president emphasized the significance of accepting and recognizing the diverse identities and attempting to coexist in equality in order for Ethiopia to continue as a unified country. Putting ideas supreme over conflicts would contribute to building unity on a solid basis, the president conveyed, emphasizing the necessity of engaging in dialogue and negotiation to resolve conflicts when they occur.

The 18th nations, nationalities and people’s day is being colorfully celebrated in Jigjiga city, the capital of Somali region, in the presence of senior federal and regional government officials under the theme ​​”diversity and equality for national unity”.

Mustafe Mohammed, President of the Somali region highlighted the significance of marking the nations, nationalities and peoples’ day to build an inclusive and multinational Ethiopia. “We are a people with many common values that stitch us together rather than those drifting us apart, which we have developed through living together over the centuries,” he stated.

Group representing Amhara region at the 18th celebration of Nations Nationalities and People’s Day in Jigjiga (Photo:EBC)

Groups representing various nations, nationalities and peoples from across Ethiopia have displayed their identities and cultures at the ongoing event inside the Jigjiga stadium. Arba Minch city of the newly established Southern Ethiopia region has been selected to host the next edition of the day. AS 

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