News Update: Supreme court sustains lower court ruling to release AP journalists on bail

By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil
Addis Abeba – The Federal supreme court today upheld lower court’s decision to release on bail reporter Amir Aman Kiyaro and photographer Thomas Engida after 4 months of detention without being charged. The Federal Court of First Instance ruled the release on bail of Associated Press journalist, Amir Aman, and freelance cameraman Thomas Engida, for 60,000 ETB each.
The pair remained in detention as the police filed an appeal at the supreme court yesterday, asking for additional 14 days to remand and investigate the detainees. At today’s hearing, the supreme court declined the police’s request and sustained the lower court’s decision to release them.
Amir and Thomas were accused of receiving large sums of money to promote the Oromo Liberation Army, OLA) on an international level. AS