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News: Works underway to accommodate Amhara IDPs to temporary locations: Addis Abeba Peace and Security bureau

Amhara IDPs in Addis Abeba. From top left: Women, elderly and children IDPs of members of Amhara community in Addis Abeba; Tamitu Degefa Sew comforting a displaced civilian; Kassayew Lemma; and Birara Getanew

Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12

Addis Abeba – The Addis Abeba City Peace and Security Bureau announced that Oromia Regional State and the National Disaster Prevention and Management Commission were jointly working to accommodate the IDPs in temporary locations.

The statement was released shortly after Addis Standard published an in-depth investigation into the plight of hundreds of Amhara community members who are displaced from western Oromia regional state and are seeking refugee in Addis Abeba and Arsi zone in Oromia. The report is based on works compiled since the last week January this year, which followed the story of members of the Amhara community who sought refuge in two separate churches in the capital Addis Abeba. At the time a group of IDPs was sheltered in St. Estifanos Church in Kirkos sub-city, near the city’s Meskel square, while another group was sheltered in St. Michael’s church in Yeka sub-city. Addis Standard team visited both sites and spoke with the IDPs and community organizers before the story was published on 21 February.

Shortly after the report was published, the city’s Peace and Security Bureau issued the statement saying that the “information circulating on social media about displaced people from Wollega was false.”

However, the bureau admitted that displaced people were entering Addis Abeba as of late following the security crisis in Wollega, in western Oromia and said that it has been working with the concerned stakeholders to provide temporary support and lasting solutions to the displaced civilians ever since their arrival in to the city. It further stated that a discussion was held with the IDPs regarding where they can stay temporarily until they managed to return to their residence areas. AS

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