Month: June 2012

  • Topic of the Month

    Infrastructure in Africa:A sad story that may no longer be

    The story of infrastructure in Africa is simply depressing. That may be about to change now but the final push is hanging in the balance of its leaders’ resolve   Addis Standard’s exclusive with:  v Donald Kaberuka – President of the AfDB  v Ibrahim Mayaki – CEO of the NEPAD Coordinating and Planning Agency  v Aboubakari Baba Moussa – AUC…

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  • Africa

    What went wrong with Islam in Ethiopia?

    In a frantic attempt to contain Islamist extremism in Ethiopia, the government is getting close to shoot itself in the foot  Selahadin Eshetu Getahun     Mohammed Mustafa (not his real name) is a third year Computer Science student in Ambo University, 114 kms west of the capital Addis Ababa.  Like any ordinary student he was more interested in the…

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  • Africa

    In the world of education quantity never substitutes quality

    Hone Mandefro         It takes little to understand that an educated society is one that transforms itself into higher levels of innovation and productivity. The World Bank in its 2007 quality of education and economic growth report says, “Education can increase the innovative capacity of the economy – knowledge of new technologies, products, and processes.” Other studies…

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  • Environment

    Brace for Rio+20

    Dr. Henok Wendirad (DVM) On 20th – 22nd, June 2012, the UNCSD also known as Rio+20 will take place in Rio de Janeiro.  Rio+20 is a key milestone in a series of major United Nations conferences, in which the 1992 Earth Summit, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, was the pride and joy for its proponents that put sustainable…

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  • Recipe

    Grilled Goat Cheese Sandwiches with Fig and Honey Recipe

    BY JOANNE BRUNO (courtesy Chef Marcus Samuelson) Most of the time when a craving hits, it’s for two things: carbs and cheese. Usually together. And while I generally try to convince myself that even though I may think I want mac and cheese all day every day, what I really want is an apple or a salad or both….sometimes I just have…

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  • Art Review

    Hub of Africa 2012 goes eco – fashion

    Zela Gayle The African Union hosted the Hub of Africa 2012 Fashion Week at its new Conference Centre here in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  Clairvoyant Marketing Agency and In the Bag and Origin Africa joined forces with African Cotton and Textile Industries Federation (ACTIF) in organizing the event, held from the 24th – 27th April 2012, to highlight African designers’ trend…

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  • Art Review

    Addis Ababa celebrates the great life of Alexander Pushkin

    Zela Gayle The Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Addis Ababa is preparing to commemorate the birthday anniversary of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, who is considered the founder of Russian literature and to whom the centre was named after. Established in March 1945, Emperor Haile Selassie I inaugurated the centre as a permanent exhibition illustrating Russian achievements and to bring…

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  • Nutrition

    Simple and none exotic, yet what your body needs most to stay fit

    FabenGetachew All foods contain calories and can be possiblecauses for fat formation, but certain foods can also promote the reduction ofbody fat and weight loss because of theminerals and vitamins they contain,or because theyhave less calories and at the same time needa complex digestion and assimilation process, or others create a sense of fullness even when consumed in small amounts.Consuming…

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  • The Pulse

    Psycho-connected diseases

    Ashenafi Zedebub “As a result of a painful feeling by the nearness or the possibility of danger a disorder of the intestine could easily happen and all of a sudden an attack of diarrhea could follow.”  This is what I happen to read in a research paper several years ago. This unfortunate, and at times unpleasant, occurrence has been experienced…

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  • U.S

    That’s America!

    Sex, Race and Religion:  Does it matter? Tomas Mega, Las Vegas, Nevada     This election may offer some hard choices for voters driven by prejudice.  Americans must decide between a man fathered by an African, who supports gay marriage, and a conservative Mormon, a religion that once advocated polygamy and only lifted its ban on African men in the…

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