Year: 2013

  • Africa

    In search of a greener Addis

    The bigger the city of Addis Ababa becomes, the smaller green areas get. That is unfortunate  Emnet Assefa   In many terms the growth of a city is defined by its infrastructure such as roads and buildings and the social and economic advancements these infrastructures bring in to the people living in the city. The current city council of Addis…

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  • Art Review

    Lincoln: ‘Here and Now’

    Reviewed by Andrew DeCort Most of us have probably heard the maxim, “Pick your battles.” In most cases, this saying is given as a counsel of caution to temper “unrealistic” passion or principle. The idea is that if you fight uncompromisingly for your conviction, you might get crushed. Better, then, to play it safer, be pragmatic, and stick to “what’s…

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  • Art Review

    Cindy Claes” : The dancing backpacker

    Zela Gayle Cindy Claes is a dancing backpacker from Belgium who had dreamt about discovering the world as a child and told her family from an early age that she would move out of Belgium to fulfill her dreams, and that is exactly what she did. Cindy joined a local hip-hop crew aged 16 becoming a lead dancer and decided…

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  • Africa

    Girum Mezmur:Marking two decades of excellence as a guitarist

    Zela Gayle This year marks the 20th year anniversary of Girum Mezmur’s professional life as a renowned Ethiopian guitarist. In these 20 years, Girum’s career has evolved from an accomplished guitarist in a band to establishing his own band, which led to a high demand for his artistic appearance both in and outside of Ethiopia.  Girum grew up in a…

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  • The Pulse

    Do women have understanding of masculine beauty?

    Ashenafi Zedebub As researchers pointed out time and again, history provides examples of the most surprising contrasts in types of people falling in love. So, indeed, is the selection that is completely impossible to lay down rules as to which type of person is likely to appeal to other type of person as far as physical appearance comes in question.…

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  • Africa

    Third national ICT competition launched

    Emnet Assefa ICT Centre of Excellence at Addis Ababa University and Ethiopian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology announced today the launching of the third national Information Communications and Technology (ICT) competition. Aimed at promoting the environment of creativity and innovation through encouraging and motivating innovative ideas in ICT sector, the competition was launched by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister…

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  • Africa

    Ethiopia diverts the Nile River for controversial Dam construction

    Emnet Assefa The government in Ethiopia on Tuesday May 20th diverted the flow of the Nile River for the construction of controversial Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), according to state media. The diversion was made at the site of the dam in Benishangul Gumuz State in the presence of senior government officials including deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education…

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  • Africa

    Secretary Kerry celebrates Ethiopian coffee

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry participated in a traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony with Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX) CEO Anteneh Assefa and Tadele Abraha, owner of Green Coffee, and USAID Ethiopia Mission Director Dennis Weller in recognition of the ECX coffee laboratory becoming the first in Africa to meet the rigorous quality standards of the Specialty Coffee Association of America…

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  • Africa

    UNAIDS and the Lancet to launch commission for AIDS and sustainable health

    Emnet Assefa The United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS and Global medical journal, Lancet, announced the launch of a new commission to tackle HIV/AIDS and insure sustainable health. The new commission is tasked to explore post 2015 agenda on AIDS and global health and will be co-chaired by Joyce Banda, President of Malawi, Dr.Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of AUC and Peter…

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  • Africa

    Somalia: the failed state no more

    Will a frustrated Ethiopia threaten Somalia’s brittle security? Why is Ethiopia not a part of AMISOM?  Somalia is in a steady recovery from the devastation of the last two decades, but will a frustrated Ethiopia threaten its brittle security? Tsedale Lemma, Mogadishu & Addis Ababa   As Head of State of a country worn out by two decades of successive…

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