Year: 2013

  • Africa

    Addis standard’s exclusive interview with Ana Gomes

    Ana Gomes is coordinator and spokesperson of the foreign affairs committee for her political group, the Social-Democrat. With 200 members the Social-Democrat is the second largest group within the European Parliament. For Ethiopia and Ethiopians though Ana Gomes is best remembered for her role as the leader of the EU election observers’ team during the 2005 crisis-induced general election in…

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  • Africa

    Coming soon: Ana Gomes exclusive with Addis Standard

    The ongoing 26th session of the African, Caribbean, Pacific and European Union joint Parliamentary Assembly ACP-EU/JPA brought hundreds of participants from member states to Addis Ababa. But it also brought Ana Gomes back to Ethiopia for the first time the 2005 post-election chaos. Ana Gomez is currently the coordinator of the foreign affairs committee of the Socialist Democratic group and…

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  • Europe

    What’s ailing France?

    PARIS – France is gravely ill. So ill, in fact, that Standard & Poor’s recently cut its sovereign-credit rating – the country’s second downgrade in less than two years. The decision was accompanied by warnings that the budgetary and structural reforms that President François Hollande’s administration has implemented over the last year have been inadequate to improve France’s medium-term growth…

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  • Africa

    Addis Ababa to host a high level conference on growth and markets in Africa

    Some 150 high-level individuals will meet in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at the Sheraton Addis on Dec. 2nd– 3rd for The African High-Growth Markets Summit that “will focus on how to prosper from the remarkable growth of a selection of African economies and subsequent enlargement of their consumer classes,” organizers said. The summit is aimed at examining “the latest trends in…

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  • Art Review

    ‘Yegna’- A musical band of five girls “The sound of all of us”

     Zela Gayle After two and a half years of rehearsals and practice, ‘Yegna’ is a hit on the musical and theatrical scenes in Addis Ababa. The formation of such a band with a purpose of librating young girls is a unique phenomenon. ‘Girl Hub Ethiopia’ concocted the idea of forming a girls’ band, which challenges taboos and other societal impositions…

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  • Commentary

    Deciphering Russian policy on Syria: what happened and what’s next

    Why has Moscow backed the Assad regime in Syria so strongly? Mark N. Katz More than anything else, this appears to be the result of Russian President Putin’s conviction that this is the right thing to do—both in foreign policy terms and in Russian domestic political terms. Putin has devoted considerable energy into reasserting Russia’s role as a great power,…

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  • Africa

    The Football-Politics Nexus in Ethiopia

    Despite claims that they are independent of one another sports and politics are intricately intertwined, argues our columnist Taye Negussie (PhD). More often than not, politics manifests itself through sports, and the occasions of sporting events serve as apt moments to communicate about one’s political linings. This is possible because of the ways both national and local identities become associated…

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  • Africa

    EU announces €240 million new aid to Ethiopia

    The European Union (EU) has announced new financial assistance for Ethiopia targeting projects that will, among other things, help to ensure basic services such as primary schools, health care and water supply, and to support female entrepreneurs. “The new support will also help Ethiopians better prepare for the recurring droughts that hit the country, helping them to withstand the next…

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  • Africa

    Energy finds in Africa highlight shifts in sector – DHL report

     Africa is the region with highest increase in oil consumption globally – 5% in 2012 versus only a 1% increase globally The recent oil and gas finds in Africa will continue to have a positive impact on local economies, if local African suppliers, service providers and other businesses are geared up to service this growth. This is according to Steve…

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  • Africa

    soleRebels:The work of protecting what’s dear and unparalleled

    Bostex PLC, the mother company of the global brand footwear soleRebels, won a decisive legal battle against Oliberté Limited, a Canadian footwear company with a branch in Ethiopia. Its victory should serve Bostex PLC as a gentle reminder that the fight for intellectual property and copyright in its birth place is not won, yet, says our special contributor Alem C. …

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