Month: March 2015

  • Africa

    Venezuelan Ambassador to Ethiopia denounces ‘US intervention’ in his country

    Says it is an ‘ongoing coup attempt”   The Venezuelan Embassy in Addis Abeba denounced today what it calls an “ongoing coup attempt” and “US interference” and accused the United States of trying to forcefully change the democratically elected Venezuelan government. According to the Embassy a plot threatening the country’s democracy and stability was unveiled by its security apparatus.  …

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  • Africa

    Sandoz to train midwives in Ethiopia

    One of the global leaders in generic pharmaceuticals, Sandoz announced on 3 March the launch of a new program that it believes will improve maternal and child health as well as to reduce child mortality.   The announcement came ahead of International Women’s Day observed on March 8. The program, New Life &New Hopekicks-off with the completion of the first…

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  • Travel

    Suspendisse magna lectus porttitor sed turpis et venenatis

    Suspendisse in mattis nulla, at vulputate lectus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque aliquet magna vel neque congue, eget mollis purus iaculis. Proin quis est volutpat, laoreet nisi in, tempus massa. Mauris sed rhoncus leo. Duis id finibus turpis, nec malesuada lectus. Donec malesuada est eu purus bibendum aliquam. Duis feugiat quam urna,…

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  • Africa

    SA police arrests man suspected of killing an Ethiopian

    South African police said the Maletswai Crime Prevention apprehended a 25-year-old man in connection with the murder of an unnamed Ethiopian national. A statement from the police said that it is “alleged on Saturday 28 February 2015, at about 22:10, the deceased, aged 27, was in his shop at Nkaiseng General dealer in Maletswai, when an intruder entered the shop,…

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  • Africa

    A new bridge over the Awash River opens for traffic

    The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) in association with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has completed a new bridge over the river Awash on February 28, 2015. The bridge was rebuilt to help the safe and speedy movement of goods and people to the country’s main import/export destination – the port of Djibouti. The bridge construction, which was implemented as…

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  • Africa

    Five lessons from the frontlines of Africa’s Green Revolution‎

    Issues to consider as the African Union readies a new era of agriculture investments   Agnes Kalibata The end of 2014 brought the conclusion of the African Union’s Year of Agriculture and Food Security. But most Africans work in some aspect of agriculture, and for them, every year is dedicated to agriculture and food security. ‎ As they head out…

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  • Opinion

    Economic Statistics: problems of knowledge and manipulation

    Morten Jerven   Routinely economic statistics inform and support big headlines, but statistics itself seldom makes the news. That was not so for 2014. The Financial Times recently called the GDP rebasing in Nigeria one of the biggest news stories out of Africa in 2014. On one level the news of the jump in total GDP from Nigeria is good…

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  • U.S

    For democrats, the future is a mist

    The loss of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to the republicans is the least of all worries facing democrats, says our U.S. Correspondent Tomas Mega from Nevada   The loss of the U. S. Senate may be but a small worry for erudite Democrats contemplating the party’s future. They are confronted by several disquieting realities that threaten their…

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  • Editorial

    Elections in Ethiopia: Time to end that murky déjà vu!

      Come May of this year Ethiopia is preparing to carry out the fifth general election since the coming into power in 1991 of the ruling Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). But controversies surrounding two main opposition parties, all too recognizable, surfaced in an unfortunate fashion and have left a trace of a familiar scenario. Once again the country’s…

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  • Africa

    GDP growth and poverty decline in Ethiopia: Who owns the numbers?

    Hone Mandefro and Morten Jerven   A recent report by the World Bank (WB) declared that poverty in Ethiopia is down by 33% since 2000. It attributed the reduction to agricultural growth investments in basic services and effective safety net. “The pace of poverty reduction in Ethiopia has been impressive, especially when compared with other African countries; only Uganda has…

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