
Loved recipes from the Lime Tree

Yasser Bagersh, Lime Tree’s head cook, reveals some of his favourite recipes. Yasser is also kown for creating the unique flavours and tastes of Serenade Restaurant.All his recipes are simple to make and the ingredients are easy to find in Addis Ababa. Every month, Addis Standard Magazine will let you in on yasser’s cooking secrets. Bon apetite!


.  5 chicken breast, cubed

.  Salt and pepper to taste

.  1 tablespoon vegetable oil

.  1 cup onions, quartered

.  2 tablespoons of garlic and ginger, mixed and crushed

.  1 tablespoon gram masala

.  Cup of tomato puree

.  1 1/4 coconut milk

.  4 whole cloves

.  4 pods cardamom

.  1 cinnamon stick


Season chicken with salt and pepper to taste.

In a pan, sauté chicken in oil until brown. Remove from pan.

In the same pan, sauté onions until translucent, then add ginger and garlic and let it cook for about 5 minutes. Stir in curry powder and tomato puree.

Add the cooked chicken to the pan, cover with coconut milk cloves, cardamom and cinnamon.

Add salt to taste and stir and cover pan. Reduce the heat to low and let it simmer until chicken is fully cooked, for about 25 minutes.

 Serves about 6

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