News: NaMA tells ruling party to halt ‘irresponsible’ attempts of turning internal differences into clashes between people

Addis Abeba – The opposition National Movement of Amhara (NaMA), told the ruling Prosperity Party (PP) to halt its irresponsible attempts of turning its internal differences into people-to-people clashes and to resolve its differences around the table.
NaMA issued the statement on Tuesday 05 April in the wake of heightened war of words between officials of the Amhara and Oromia Prosperity branches of the ruling party.
On 04 April, the Oromia Regional State government issued a statement warning an unnamed group that it referred to as “extremist forces operating in the name of Amhara” and accused them of being “the main enemies of the Amhara and Ethiopian nations and nationalities.”
NaMA said that using the death of citizens as a pretext and issuing a list of statements was that threaten to plunge the country into further chaos was “irresponsible and extremely dangerous move” and needs “to be corrected immediately.”
According to the party, attempting to bring any political conflict between peoples was “at best ignoring government responsibility, and at the very least, a political conspiracy.” The party stressed that lessons from the reasons behind the fall of previous regime “will benefit not only the ruling party itself but also the people and the country.”
“if we are really worried about the loss of lives of citizens”, the right course of action should be “to call for independent investigations.”
Last week, tensions rose up among various non-state actors and zonal officials in Oromia and Amhara states after clashes on 29 March between armed groups from the Minjar Shenkora woreda of North Shewa zone, Amhara regional state, and local militia in the bordering Fentalle woreda of East Shewa zone of Oromia regional state, resulted in the death of at least 26 local militias and members of Oromia police, including the militia commander, Abdisa Ifa. Both regional and local authorities of both states issued multiple statements without directly implicating the perpetrators of the killing.
NaMA criticized the accusations from Oromia state authorities and said that “if we are really worried about the loss of lives of citizens”, the right course of action should be “to call for an independent investigations.” It also criticized Oromia state of giving the incident a different picture and issuing controversial statements by “renaming and improperly claiming of an area under Amhara state administration” and said it should “end immediately.” It further called on the ruling party the government led by it “to restrain itself from activities that endanger public safety.”
In addition to its criticism of the ruling party and the government led by it, NaMA also said that the party believes that the current constitution, which it said was designed with the aim of “gradually disintegrating Ethiopia and depriving the Amhara people of its social stability”, is not only costing the Amhara people a heavy price but is costing all of Ethiopia a great deal and endangering the very existence of our country, Ethiopia.”
NaMa is a national party led by its Chairman Dr. Belete Molla, Minister of Innovation and Technology of the federal government led by the Prosperity Party (PP). AS