Month: January 2013

  • Art Review

    Supermodel Anna Getaneh: Gracing a runway for charity

    Ethiopian former supermodel successfully runs an African prominent runway  for a charity cause    Zela Gayle cclaimed Ethiopian Supermodel, Anna Getaneh, was born in Sweden to Ethiopian diplomatic parents and had built her career modelling for several renowned fashion designers during the 1990’s. Within the last two decades, Anna Getaneh has grown form a mere supermodel whose appearances graced world class…

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  • Africa

    AU pledging conference for Mali raises over $455

    Dashing higher expectations, China and India made a mere $1 million each. Emnet Assefa     Countries from all over the world have made a donation of a total of $455.53 million at the AU pledging conference for Mali to support the Malian defence forces and the African- led International Support Mission in Mali (AFISMA) in their battles against Al-Qaeda…

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  • Africa

    20th AU Heads of State and Governments Summit

    The 20th AU summit which is taking place from the 21st of January is being held under the theme of ‘Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance.’ In his exclusive coverage for Addis Standard Tesfalem Waldyes has captured momentous pictures of participants of the ongoing summit. Shall we dance? Happy to hand it over to you, Your Excellency!  Too close a worry to…

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  • Africa

    AU, UN insist DRC security plan not rejected

    Amidst rumours that talks have collapsed UN’s chief insisted no fundamental differences Emnet Assefa     Security Plan scheduled to be signed this morning at the AU summit was not rejected, according to Ambassador Boubacar Diarra, special Representative of AU to the Great Lakes Region. However, Mr.Diarra said there was a need for more time to review the pan.  The…

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  • Africa

    IRAN ready to assist peace process in Mali, agreed with Argentina on bombing probe

    Emnet Assefa Foreign minister of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi says his country IRAN is ready to assist the peace process in Mali.   Mr. Salehi added his government in Tehran is engaged in a constant consultation with the government of Mali to look for solutions to bring into an end the situation in Mali. Mr. Salehi was however wary of…

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  • Africa

    PM Hailemariam of Ethiopia takes the chairmanship of AU

    Emnet Assefa Ethiopian new Prime Minister Hailmeariam Dessalegn has taken over the chairmanship of the African Union at the on-going 20th Summit of the AU heads of state and governments meeting.   Prime Minister Hailemariam, who recently succeeded Ethiopia’s long serving late PM Meles Zenawi, will chair the continental body for the coming one year, taking over from the president…

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  • Africa

    Child mortality continues challenging Africa

      Africa has done remarkably well in reducing maternal mortality but lacks behind in child mortality Emnet Assefa Commissioner of Social Affairs at the African Union, Dr Mustapha S. Kaloko said despite some recorded progress on the status of maternal, new born and child health in Africa, the continent still falls short to meet the targets set for the MDGs.…

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  • Africa

    20th AU Heads of State and Governments Summit Pictorial

      The 20th AU summit which is taking place from the 21st of January is being held under the theme of ‘Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance.’ In his exclusive coverage for Addis Standard Tesfalem Waldyes has captured momentous pictures of participants of the ongoing summit. Holding the world, and Africa, by its nerve! Never mind where we are from! When work…

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  • Africa

    Somalia happy with IGAD decision

    Slowly but surely Somalia is on its way to enjoy a stable government Emnet  Assefa       The 46th extra ordinary session of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) council of Ministers meeting, on Wednesday Jan. 3rd discussed and accepted a grand stabilization plan presented to the summit by the Government of the Republic of Somalia on stabilization of…

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  • Africa

    Africa Union to hold troops pledge conference for Mali

    After an uneasy silence for three weeks, the AU prepares to get more troops inside Mali   Emnet Assefa   After what came as inexplicable silence by the African Union following the all widely anticipated French military attack against Islamist rebels in Mali some three weeks ago, the Peace and Security Department of the AU announced yesterday that it will hold…

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