Year: 2013

  • Africa

    Addis Ababa’s booming service industry added another four star hotel

    Emnet Assefa The striving hotel industry in the capital Addis Ababa added an additional four star hotel, Saro-Maria Hotel, which was officially opened on July 30, 2013 even though it started providing services in May during the 50th founding anniversary of the Organization of the African Union and the African Union (OAU/AU). Located in the midst of the busiest district…

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  • The Pulse

    Of sweets, sweeteners & sugary beverages

    Ashenafi Zedebub “…….Sir, how many glasses of beverages should I take per day in addition to the soft drinks you recommended to me?” asked the person. In reply to this question, the nutritionist said thus: “….. I have never encouraged the intake of sugary drinks. You misunderstood me, sorry!” It is always difficult to make people understand whenever there is…

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  • Art Review

    Worled waz Z: Zombies!

    Andrew DeCort Watching World War Z took me back to the first thriller I saw on the big screen as a kid: Jurassic Park. Most of us will never forget the scene when the T-Rex breaks through its electric fence and begins hunting the giddy scientists-cum-tourists in the pitch black of the rain forest. Or there was the scene in…

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  • Africa

    The tranquil of ‘Slow Food’ in a hectic Addis Ababa

    Zela Gayle Ethiopia is a country where coffee is known to have originated, one of the rare places in the world where you can find a wide variety of coffee plants in a wild natural state. For thousands of years each family has roasted its berries, ground them in a mortar and offered coffee to guests following a calm ritual…

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  • Africa

    Understanding Ethiopia’s vicious cycle of authoritarianism

    Taye Negussie (PhD) Despite its renowned long-history as a state, unfortunately Ethiopia has so far never been able to see any semblance of a democratic regime. All the hitherto reigning regimes have been bluntly autocratic varying only in their ideological discourses; though, now authoritarianism is in its worst state as the current government combines it with the perilous ideology of…

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  • Africa

    Ethiopian police says it thwarted plans to attack Bole International Airport

    The Ethiopian federal police said on Friday that they have uncovered explosive devices planted inside, Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, averting a major tragedy. Two explosives were found around the departure terminal of the country’s largest airport targeting the hundreds of passengers waiting to fly. The incident created panic among passengers and caused a delay in flights until bomb disposal…

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  • Letters

    Trust is the wrong word

    Dear Editor, When talking of the Nile-Ethiopia-Egypt axis, trust doesn’t come as a handy word as it was never there and will never be (In the absence of trust…Addis Standard July 2013). Since time immemorial Egypt has been working hard and continued to do so that riparian countries of the Nile never trust each other. While I enjoyed reading your…

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  • Middle East

    Ending Gaza’s isolation

    Robert M. Danin The United States treats Gaza as a pariah, supporting its isolation in an effort to undermine Hamas. This approach is counterproductive. Isolating Gaza only strengthens Hamas’ grip, perpetuates Palestinian political stagnation, and helps preclude the creation of a Palestinian state and peace with Israel. Reconnecting Gaza with the West Bank politically and economically, and reestablishing legitimate nationwide…

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  • Africa

    GSU Launch Operation Against Ethiopia Militia

    The GSU (General Service Unit) personnel have launched an operation along the Kenya-Ethiopia border following the killing of ten fishermen during a raid by militiamen from the neighboring country. The government deployed more than 150 GSU and other police officers near Todonyang where the latest attack occurred. “We have instructed the security teams to deal with the militiamen and ensure…

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  • Africa

    H&M Looks to Source Clothing From Ethiopia

    Retailer Hopes African Country Will Help Keep Shelves Stocked Clothing retailer H&M (Hennes & Mauritz) said it is looking at Ethiopia as a new place to have its fashions made as it seeks to keep the shelves of its growing number of stores stocked. H&M doesn’t source any of its range from Africa so the move represents a change for…

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