Month: May 2014

  • Africa

    Sufian Ahmed likely candidate for AfDB presidency

    Sufian Ahmed, Ethiopia’s long serving Minister of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED), was among the six likely candidates whose names surfaced during the recently concluded annual summit of the African Development Bank (AfDB) as a potential candidate to run for the presidency of the African Development Bank (AfDB) group.  Donald Kaberuka, the current President of the Bank, will be leaving…

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  • Africa

    Tullow Oil hits water-bearing reservoirs in Ethiopia

    OIL/GAS exploration firm Tullow Oil has found water-bearing reservoirs in its South Omo block, onshore Ethiopia. Tullow operates the South Omo block with a 50pc equity interest – Africa Oil has a 30pc stake and Marathon Oil another 20pc stake. “The frontier wildcat well encountered lacustrine and volcanic rocks including almost 100 metres of net sandstone reservoir within siltstones and…

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  • Africa

    Reykjavík Geothermal to begin drilling in Ethiopia

    Reykjavík Geothermal and the African Union will sign a USD 8 million (EUR 5.8 million, ISK 900 million) contract today allowing Reykjavík Geothermal to start drilling in the Ethiopian Rift Valley as part of two 500 MW power plants under construction. The energy produced by the power plants will be sold to the state electrical company Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP).…

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  • Africa

    Forced labor generates US$150 billion profit per year: ILO

    The estimated amount for total illegal profits obtained from the use of forced labor in Africa is US$13.10 billion per year Forced labor in the private economy generates $ 150 billion in illegal profits per year, about three times more than previously estimated, according to a new report from the International Labor Organization (ILO). “This new report takes our understanding…

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  • Africa

    251 Communication takes Ethiopia to the world’s leading fashion event

    251 Communications and Marketing PLC announced today at the Friendship International Hotel that it is now the exclusive representative for Magic Trade Week, the leading and largest fashion event that brings together the apparel, accessories and footwear industry. This year’s show will be held from August 17 – 20 in Las Vegas, Nevada in the United States.  “251 Communications is…

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  • Africa

    It’s just too hard to be a Republican

    Most orthodox Libertarians just want the government to stay out of their life. That’s good Libertarian philosophy. Curiously though some seem to believe the government has a role to play in our bedroom                          Tomas Mega It was an early April day with temperatures approaching thirty degrees centigrade. That’s higher than it should be in the Mojave Desert for…

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  • Africa

    New study reveals Ethiopian Customs & Revenue Authority most corrupt

    Kiram Tadesse A new survey conducted by Selam Development Consultants, assisted by JGAM Donors in collaboration with the Federal Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission, revealed Ethiopia’s Customs and Revenue Authority as the most corrupt government office followed by the construction permit and land administration offices. Entitled “Perception of the Level of Corruption by Foreign Investors in Ethiopia”, the study, which…

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  • Africa

    Exclusive Interview with Ambassador Chantal Hebberecht, Head of Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Ethiopia

    The year 2014 marks the end of the 10th EDF (European Development Fund) and the beginning of the 11th EDF that is scheduled to last until 2020. The 11th EDF has already made available some €745 million for EU funded projects in Ethiopia, up from the €644 million initial budget made through the 10th EDF, and was eventually raised to…

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  • Africa

    Investing in Resilience of Smallholder Farming ‘Essential’

    Kalkidan Yibeltal AllAfrica – There are about 500 million smallholder family farms in the world today who are providing unto 80 percent of the food consumed by developing countries, according to Dr. Kanayo F. Nwaze, the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Dr. Nwaze stated this  at the International Food Policy and Research Institute (IFPRI) 2020 Conference…

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  • Africa

    Dazzling headlines, biting reality

    Textile and garment industry in Ethiopia Tesfalem Waldyes, Special to Addis Standard Over the last six months news coming out of Ethiopia both by the local and international media is awash with tales of international giants heading to Ethiopia to establish either their own production plants or looking for sourcing. From Uniliver to H&M, to Tesco, Walmart and Primark, and…

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