Art Review

And the winner is…

The 86th Academy Award nominees and our movie reviews

Our movie review columnist Andrew DeCort has written critical reviews about some of the movies and the actors that are now nominated for the 86th Academy Award that will take place later this month. Here are some of the movies and the actors along with excerpts from Andrew’s review:

Tom Hanks Capitan Philips

Nominated for Best Picture

But this much is clear: the waters in Captain Phillips are deep and dark, and the real waters the film temporarily bobs across are even more so. In the end, who’s the real ‘captain’– Phillips? Muse? a global (im)moral order that doesn’t make a personal appearance? all of the above?

Addis Standard Nov. 2013


AMERICAN-HUSTLE-poster-1024x768American Hustle

Nominated for Best Picture

With brilliant irony, American Hustle is a refreshingly bullshit-free look at our basic drives and desires as broken people in a broken society. Without moralizing, the movie raises the mirror to the ways that all of us “comb-over” the facts of our lives – that we’re dying and that a life of survival is meaningless without the sacrifices of love.

This one is surely a contender for Best Picture.

Addis Standard Jan. 2014


christian-bale-american-hustle-weightChristian Bale (American Hustle)

Nominated for Best  Actor in Leading Role

American Hustle begins with Irving (Christian Bale) staring at himself in the mirror and meticulously gluing together his massive comb-over. The scene could hardly be more appropriate: the balding man looks at himself intently for the sake of masking his baldness in order to reinvent his appearance, however ridiculously.

Addis Standard Jan. 2014


Cate-Blanchett-In-Givenchy-Couture-Blue-JasmineCate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)

Nominated for Best Actress in Leading Role

Jasmine wants to spend her life with someone “substantial,” someone with financial power and social prestige. We get to know her in New York City, where she lives the high life with her hotshot husband (Alec Baldwin). She wears the most chic fashion, visits the most fancy parties, and lives in a beautiful home. But she lies to herself.

Addis Standard Oct. 2013



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