AfricaWorld News

Addis Abeba-Adama expressway opens for traffic

The 84.5 km Addis-Adama express way, the first for the country, is now operational as of Sep. 14th, the Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise’s CEO, Hiwot Mossisa, told journalists.
Although it was inaugurated in April, issues related to toll regulations have delayed the opening for the traffic of the six-lane expressway built by China Communications and Construction Co. (CCCC) and financed by the government and Exim Bank of china, which provided a US$800 million.
“Small and medium vehicles will pay 66 cents per kilometer, while large buses and trucks will pay 79 cents per kilometer. Heavy trailers and semi-trailers will pay 92 cents per kilometer,” FBC quoted the CEO as saying.
The new expressway has seven toll stations manned by cashiers who “have been trained” and have already reported for duty at their respective stations.

Photo: ConstructionNews

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