AfricaWorld News

Ambo University dismisses detained lecturer, blogger

Kiram Tadesse

Ambo University announced it has fired Zelalem Kibert, the detained lecturer and a member of the blogging collective, Zone 9, on a letter dated July 02, 2014.

Signed by Dr. Lakew Wondimu, Academic and Research Vice President of the University, the letter requested Zelalem “to return” all materials and works he has been handling back to the University.

“Zelalem has not been on the job for the past three months and had not responded to two previous notices, written within the past couple of months to report about his absence from the University, and the University has officially fired him from his post,” Dr. Lakew told Addis Standard.

Zelalem Kibret

Zelalem’s dismissal letter

“The University has not received any formal report on the lecturer’s detention, and his ability to report,” he said, adding that the University is not expecting him to report on person. However, Zelalem can inform the university in one way or another.

According Dr. Lakew, if Zelalem is able to report on why he failed to show up for the past three months and he is able to do so with evidence, and if his report is accepted by the University, there the decision passed on July 2nd will have a chance for reconsideration that will possibility help Zelalem to get back to his job.

The dismissal letter has been copied and disseminated to various administrative offices and departments of the University.

Zelalem Kibret is a member and one of the six bloggers of the blog Zone9 who was arrested on April 25th along with three journalists. So far no charges have been brought against all the detainees.

Zelalem Kibret is a member and one of the six bloggers of the blog Zone9 who was arrested on April 25th along with three journalists. So far no charges have been brought against all the detainees. Zelalem last appeared in court on June 14th along with three journalists, Tesfalem Wadyes, a freelance journalist who was writing for the weekly English Fortune and the monthly Addis Standard, journalist Asmamaw Hailegiorgis, senior editor at an influential Amharic weekly magazine Addis Guday, and journalist Edom Kassaye, who previously worked at state daily Addis Zemen Newspaper and an active member of the Ethiopian Environmental Journalists Association (EEJA) and a close associate of Zone9 bloggers; as well as two members of the blog Zone9 Atnaf Berhane IT professional, Natnail Feleke from the Construction and Business Bank. Their next hearing is adjourned for July 12th.

Cover Photo: Zelalem (front center) during his last court appearance on June 14th

Photo: Addis Standard



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