Amhara Regional StateBanishangul Gumuz Regional stateDailyScoopMetekel Crisis

#ASDailyScoop: Amhara, Benishangul-Gumuz regions establish joint development institution in Metekel Zone to address security issues

Gashu Dugaz, administrator of Metekel zone (right), Gizachew Muluneh, head of Amhara Communication bureau (left)

Addis Abeba – The Amhara and Benishangul-Gumuz regional established a joint development institution aimed at promoting peace and development, in the bordering areas of the two regions. The office is said to be accountable to the presidents of both regions and is expected to thwart security breaches in advance, the Ethiopian Insider reported.

Headquartered in Gilgel Beles city in the Metekel zone of the Benishangul-Gumuz regional state, the bureau will monitor signs of security threats to prevent conflicts, by consulting both regional governments according to the news outlet. The head of the Amhara region communication bureau, Gizachew Muluneh said that the Metekel zone was chosen for the seat of the office due to continued attacks by what he called “ Extremist forces”.  

The establishment of the institution will help to address such issues to be addressed through dialogue and remove the obstacles that impede development, ”he argued. Gizachew also said that the head of the institution will be appointed from the Benishangul Gumuz region and while the deputy will be selected from the Amhara region. “Our role is going to be offering help. The Beneshangul Gumuz region will take the lead,” he noted. 

The administrator of the Metekel Zone on his part said the bureau will design developmental projects that will benefit the people residing in the bordering areas of the two regions. “The institution will focus on health, education, and road infrastructures, he pledged. AS

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