#ASDailyScoop: Amhara state replaces Special Forces Commander

Addis Abeba – The Amhara State Government announced today that it has made adjustments to the leadership and deployment regional special forces leadership to defend against threat to public safety threats to the regional state.
Accordingly, the regional government said it has replaced Brigadier General Tefera Mamo, the Commander the Amhara Regional State Special Forces, by Major General Mesele Belete, who was serving as the head of the Amhara Regional State Peace and Security Bureau.
Brigadier General Tefera is appointed as Security Adviser to the President Amhara Regional State, Dr. Yilikal Kefale. The statement from Amhara state said that the regional government “has been conducting detailed assessment of the region’s security structures, its strengths and weaknesses in order to properly address security challenges.” As a result, the region has reorganized leadership assignments and deployment of its security forces, the statement said.
Brigadier General Tefera was appointed as Commander of the regional state’s Special Forces on 21 July 2021. He was leading the regional state’s special Forces until he was arrested with 52 others in connection with the 22 June 2019 assassination of senior officials, including the region’s president and its attorney general.
On 19 December 2019 all charges brought against Bir. Gen Tefera Mamo, and others including Col. Alebel Amare, Col. Beamlak Tesfa & Commander Getnet Shiferaw, were dropped and the cases were closed by the region’s prosecutor office. In July the next year, he was appointed as Commander of the Special Forces, a position he held until today’s reshuffle. AS