AfricaWorld News

Ethiopia to host third Powering Africa meeting

The 3rd Annual Powering Africa meeting will take place here in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia,  from 20 -21st November 2014, the organizers say. Entitled Powering Africa Ethiopia (PA:E), the meeting is organized by EnergyNet, a London based company known for producing global portfolio of investment meetings focused on Africa’s power and infrastructure sectors.

Some of the key areas expected to be revealed at the meeting include: future government plans for the development of the energy sector, key regulatory updates and policy drivers to leverage renewable energy investment, cross border trade strategies across East Africa and long-term investment plans, understanding the requirements and investment conditions of the government and private sector to support sustainable collaborations and assessing financing models to unlock local, regional and international capital to drive project advancement, according to EnergyNet.

The meeting will be attended by Alemayehu Tegenu, Ethiopia’s Minister of Water Irrigation and Energy, who is expected to deliver a key note speech. Also expected to attend are Dawano Kedir, State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Admassu Tadesse, President and CEO, PTA Bank, Magnus Asbjornsson, Regional Director Middle East & Africa, Reykjavic Geothermal. Other leading members of international companies involved in energy sector will also be present.

“As Ethiopia enters the second phase of its Growth and Transformation plan, PA:E will connect government and energy ministries with local and international power-infrastructure developers and financiers with the ability to bring new investment opportunities into the region and meet the population’s energy demands,: said a statement from the organizers.

The concentrated two-day meeting will put Ethiopia on the map for global investment and support the government’s plans of becoming a Climate Resilient Green Economy by 2025.

“This year’s program will welcome case studies focused on live and joint project presentations from government, project developers, investors and regulators who will shed light on success stories and lessons learnt for the future,” the organizers added.

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